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. 2018 Feb 17;8(2):e017451. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017451

Table 2.

Learning acquired from the PROMPT programme

Theme Responses Comments
Communication 87 Allocating task to a certain individual and not to someone!
Use closed loop communication
Use team members’ names
Use specific terminology
Effective communication between team members leads to effective management
Communication becomes even more important in an emergency situation
Asking who is in charge (of the situation)
To ask what’s happening for documentation, to tell when observations/anything is to be done
Knowledge of equipment and procedure 78 I learnt where things are kept so they can be accessed immediately in an emergency
Familiarity with the ward and procedures to initiate emergency responses
Need to spend time learning to hook up the resuscitation cot to the gases in birth rooms
Using the resuscitaire, turning it on
Familiarise yourself with the content of the emergency boxes
It was difficult to find the equipment like the IV pump for the simulation. I understand we need to know where these things are’.
Learning leadership and followership 73 Put hand up if free when already completed a task in an emergency situation
It’s ok to not have a job and wait
Learned to identify the importance of clarifying leadership role in every scenario
Step in with a helicopter leader role
Ask who is the leader/what is going on/what can I do?
I needed to be more assertive as team leader’
Clear instructions and explicitly determining who the emergency leader is
Supportive learning environment 68 Useful to practise these things in team prior to the real deal
It consolidated training/knowledge that I have come across in pieces
It identifies my weaknesses so I can work on them
Learning about eclampsia and PPH in a relaxed environment
Realism in simulation 48 Having a serious actress helped to keep it real
Stay calm in a stressful emergency
Practical experience of emergencies we don’t normally get to manage
Interprofessional roles and teamwork 46 Teamwork improves working together
My specific role as a RMO (junior doctor) in an emergency situation….’
….taking on roles/tasks that I can do instead of RMO
That you could have a small role that makes up effective care
Prioritisation 33 (checking) Fetal heart rate during eclamptic fit is not a priority
Think of first line of management in a maternity emergency
IV fluids very important in PPH, possibly more than drugs
The importance of airway and fluid resuscitation
The first steps in managing an eclamptic woman

PROMPT, Practical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training.