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. 2018 Jan 23;19(2):328. doi: 10.3390/ijms19020328

Table 2.

Effects of Keigairengyoto-related flavonoids on macrophage phagocytosis.

Experiment No. IFN-γ Test Sample Concentration (μmol/L) Phagocytosis MFI (Relative Change #)
Exp. 1 No IFN-γ - 144 ± 6
+ Control - 155 ± 4
+ apigenin 10 507 ± 11 ** (3.3)
+ baicalein 10 530 ± 6 ** (3.4)
+ genistein 10 525 ± 22 ** (3.4)
+ hesperetin 10 193 ± 12 (1.2)
+ liquiritigenin 10 245 ± 4 ** (1.6)
+ luteolin 10 408 ± 22 ** (2.6)
+ naringenin 10 236 ± 10 ** (1.5)
+ wogonin 10 271 ± 16 ** (1.7)
Exp. 2 No IFN-γ - 162 ± 1
+ Control - 226 ± 12
+ baicalein 1 223 ± 10 (1.0)
+ baicalein 3 445 ± 7 ** (2.0)
+ baicalein 10 866 ± 25 ** (3.8)
+ baicalin 1 238 ± 9 (1.1)
+ baicalin 3 269 ± 10 (1.2)
+ baicalin 10 531 ± 19 ** (2.4)

Mouse macrophage-like RAW264.7 cells were seeded in 96-well culture plates at 5 × 103 cells/well and cultured with test flavonoids (concentration in Exp. 1: 10 μmol/L; concentrations in Exp. 2: 1, 3, and 10 μmol/L) in the presence or absence of a suboptimal dose of mouse interferon-γ (IFN-γ, 0.5 ng/mL). The culture fluids were removed after 3 days and replaced with fresh medium containing FITC-conjugated S. aureus (30 μg/mL), followed by an additional incubation for 0.5 h. Cells were harvested, and FITC-positive cells measured by FACSaria II. The screening assay Exp. 1 and concentration-dependent assay Exp. 2 were conducted three times, respectively. The representative results are shown as mean ± SEM of triplicates. MFI: mean fluorescence intensity. **: p < 0.01 vs. IFN-γ alone control (Dunnett’s test). #: relative change versus control.