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. 2018 Jan 28;19(2):385. doi: 10.3390/ijms19020385
cGMP current Good Manufacturing Practice(s)
CHO Chinese Hamster Ovary
gln glutamine
gluc glucose
GS Glutamine Synthetase
GS-CHO Glutamine Synthetase transfected Chinese Hamster Ovary
HIPDOG HI-end pH-controlled Delivery of Glucose
IVCD integrated viable cell days
LA lactate adapted cells
Lac lactate
Lac A lactic acid
Laci initial lactate
LC lactate consumption
LSA Lactate Supplementation and Adaptation
NH4+ ammonium
OA osmolality adapted cells
NR not reported
P nutrient or metabolite
qGln specific glutamine uptake rate in μmol/106 cells-h
qGluc specific glucose uptake rate in μmol/106 cells-h
qLac specific lactic acid production rate in μmol/106 cells-h
qNH4+ specific ammonium production rate in μmol/106 cells-h
TCA tricarboxylic acid
TCD Total Cell Density
VCD Viable Cell Density
Yl/g lactate produced per glucose consumed (mole/mole)
Kd specific death rate in h−1
μN specific net growth rate in h−1
μT specific total growth rate in h1