Figure 5.
Immunophenotype of equine umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells (eUCB-MSCs). (A,B) Expression of surface markers of eUCB-MSCs at passage four. The table and the graph show the mean values of the percentage of positive cells ± standard deviation for the total number of cells analyzed (n = 10 for CD44, CD105, CD45, and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) Class II. n = 9 for CD29 and CD73. n = 6 for CD90). In panel B, each sample for the different CDs studied is represented by a symbol (black dot or arrowhead or square; (C) Immunophenotype of eUCB-MSCs at passage four. Each histogram is a representative result of at least six eUCB-MSCs samples. Lines with empty surface show the IgG (or IgM for CD90) isotype control response and lines with grey surface are for the samples.