DSCAM-AS1 SE characterization in drug-resistant BC cell lines. (a) WashU genome browser view of DSCAM-AS1 genomic locus reporting at top the ChIP-Seq genomic signal profile of ERα and H3K27ac ChIP-Seq experiments performed in wild type MCF-7, MCF-7 resistant to Tamoxifen (MCF-7T), MCF-7 resistant to Fulvestrant (MCF-7F), Long Term Estrogen Deprived (LTED) MCF-7 cells, and LTED MCF-7 resistant to Tamoxifen (LTEDT) [31]. (b) Box plot reporting the normalized number of ERα and H3K4me3 ChIP-Seq reads counted at DSCAM-AS1 E6 enhancer (left) and promoter (right) considering data from patient responsive (Good prognosis, Good) or not (Negative prognosis, Negative) to Aromatase Inhibitors treatment (AI) [32]. Black dots represent outliers.