The riboSNitch COSM4526592 shifts the LCP1 mRNA ensemble from one predominant structure group into three groups. (A) The SHAPE-guided structural ensembles for WT (G1389), Mutant (G1389A, nonchanger) and WT (G1404) have one main structure cluster (green bubble, I). The riboSNitch G1404A (COSM4526592), labeled in red, shifts the ensemble into two new structure clusters (purple, II; yellow, III). Each cluster is labeled in the ensemble plots (A) and illustrated with the medoid structures from the cluster (I–III). These medoid structures are example secondary structures for each cluster. The major allele structure is colored by WT SHAPE reactivity (I), whereas the nucleotides in the alternative conformations are colored by mutant reactivities (II and III). (B) Normalized SHAPE data around the riboSNitch show an increase in reactivity before the mutation and a decrease afterward in the mutant profile (bottom).