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. 2018 Mar 15;18:130. doi: 10.1186/s12879-018-3032-x

Table 3.

Distributions of anti-rubella antibodies in pregnant women by socio-demographic characteristics

N, % (95% CI)
N Negative (< 8 IU/ml) equivocal (8- < 11 IU/ml) Positive (≥11 IU/ml) Protective (≥10 IU/ml) P
Birth place
 Beijing 164 23 (14.0%; 9.5%–20.2%) 10 (6.1%; 3.3%–10.9%) 131 (79.9%; 73.1%–85.3%) 132 (80.5%; 73.8%–85.8%) 0.16
 Other city 160 15 (9.4%; 5.8%–14.9%) 9 (5.6%; 3.0%–10.3%) 136 (85.0%; 78.7%–89.7%) 138 (86.3%; 80.1%–90.7%)
Residence place
 Urban 131 15 (11.5%; 7.0%–18.0%) 7 (5.3%; 2.6%–10.6%) 109 (83.2%; 75.9%–88.6%) 111 (84.7%; 77.6%–89.9%) 0.58
 Rural 193 23 (11.9%; 8.1%–17.2%) 12 (6.2; 3.6%–10.6%) 158 (81.9%; 75.8%–86.7%) 159 (82.4%; 76.4%–87.1%)
 Junior 39 4 (10.3%; 4.1%–23.6%) 0 (0; 0–9.0%) 35 (89.7%; 76.4%–95.9%) 35 (89.7%; 76.4%–95.9%) 0.40
 Senior 86 7 (8.1%; 4.0%–15.9%) 7 (8.1%; 4.0%–15.9%) 72 (83.7%; 74.5%–90.0%) 73 (84.9%; 75.8%–90.9%)
 College or higher 199 27 (13.6%; 9.5%–19.0%) 12 (6.0%; 3.5%–10.2%) 160 (80.4%; 74.3%–85.3%) 162 (81.4%; 75.4%–86.2%)
 Unemployed 86 7 (8.1%; 4.0%–15.9%) 7 (8.1%; 4.0%–15.9%) 72 (83.7%; 74.5%–90.0%) 73 (84.9%; 75.8%–90.9%) 0.65
 Employed 238 31 (13.0%; 9.3%–17.9%) 12 (5.0%; 2.9%–8.6%) 195 (81.9%; 76.6%–86.3%) 197 (82.8%; 77.5%–87.0%)