(A–C) Processing of human MV tissue and the uniaxial bioreactor (D) Control MV tissues were loaded into the BioReactor and maintained in static or dynamic (1Hz, 15% stretch) conditions for 6 days. RNA was isolated from the tissue, reverse transcribed, and qPCR analysis was performed using primers specific for 5HTR2A, 5HTR2B, OPN and αSMA. Control MV tissues were exposed to (E) 10 μM 5HT +/− 100 μM LY 272015 for 6 days under controlled biomechanical stimulation (1Hz, 15% stretch). RNA was isolated from the tissue, reverse transcribed, and qPCR analysis was performed using primers specific for 5HTR2A, 5HTR2B, OPN, and αSMA, *p=0.05, **p=0.01.