Global coaffiliation network. This world map shows the coaffiliations of authors that listed “Indiana Univ” and at least one other non-US institution as an affiliation on 1,590 scholarly papers. Publication data were retrieved from the Indiana University Network Science Institute Web of Science database and covers 2004–2013. There are 344 affiliation locations [not counting Indiana University (IU)] and 641 coaffiliation links. Nodes denote author locations and are area size coded by degree (i.e., the number of links per node) with the exception of IU, which has 1,592 coaffiliation links. Links denote coaffiliations; for example, an author with three affiliations IU, X, and Y will add three links; the two links that connect IU with X and Y are drawn in red, while the link between X and Y is given in purple. Links are thickness coded by the number of coaffiliations.