Fig. 3 (Continued).
Projections of noncommunicable disease burden.
(a) Proportion of people with 0, 1, 2, and 3 or more NCDs in 2015 and 2035 by HIV status. (b) Number of people diagnosed with specific NCDs by HIV status in 2015 and 2035. (c) Prevalence of specific NCDs by HIV status in 2015 and 2035. Solid colours refer to HIV-negative and shaded area to people living with HIV. (d) Multidisease profile by HIV status amongst people with at least two NCDs in 2015 and 2035. Plain areas refer to two NCD combinations and dotted areas refers to three NCD combinations. Results shown as a cross-section of the population with each square representing one patient. HT, hypertension; stroke, refers to ever having had a stroke; CKD, chronic kidney disease; other cancers include all cancers other than breast, cervical, colorectal, liver, oesophageal, and prostate cancer.