Fig. 4.
Simulation of microcolony morphogenesis and force prediction. a Measured aspect ratio of WT E. coli microcolonies grown in force microscopy experiments (red, N = 26) compared to simulations (black: N = 10, Flink = 4.25 pN). b When the microcolony expands in the plane (upper panel), both the elastic energy of the links (Eadh) and the repulsive energy of steric interactions (Erep) increase. In contrast, when a bacterium goes into 3D and initiates second layer formation, it releases its repulsive energy and the microcolony saves a small area δA in surface expansion . Yet, the bacterium must pay a cost in order to deform the gel and to extend its elastic links in the vertical direction. c Scaling between the size of the microcolony at second layer formation (N2D/3D) and the force in adhesion foci (Ffoci) for an agarose gel (15 kPa, black line). Thanks to the relation between N2D/3D and Ffoci (see Eq. (20) in Methods), we inferred the force at adhesion foci Ffoci in glass–agarose experiments from the number of bacteria at the onset of the second layer (Fig. 1e). In the inset, comparison between the theory for a soft PAA gel (4 kPa, red dashed line) and experimental values reported in Fig. 3d (dark gray dots). d Comparison of colony shape between experimental data of WT E. coli microcolonies (red) in glass–agarose experiments (Fig. 1a) and simulations (polar, green; uniform, gray). e Comparison of the orientational order in microcolonies between experimental data on WT E.coli (red) and simulation (polar, green; uniform, gray). In d and e, the simulations are defined as polar when adhesive links form only at poles, and uniform when they form homogeneously along the bacterium