a: Prevalence of mucocutaneous findings in 60 patients. Nails= nail dystrophy, RP= reticulate pigmentation, oral= leukoplakia or oral SCC, early gray= graying of the hair before age 30, HK= hyperkeratosis of the palms and/or soles, lash loss= thinning or sparseness of the eyelashes, DG= dermatoglyphic changes, scalp loss= premature hair thinning or balding of the scalp, lash irr= blepharitis or irritation due to lash regrowth, hyperhid= hyperhidrosis. b: The number of DC clinical triad features is associated with moderate to severe bone marrow failure. Kaplan Meier curves for development of moderate to severe BMF among patients with 0–1 (blue) or 2–3 (green) DC clinical triad features. BMF was defined as peripheral blood counts below the normal for age. Black notches indicate time points at which patients were censored. P values for Kaplan Meier curves were calculated with Cox regressions. Statistical analysis was performed with Stata Statistical Software (Release 14, StataCorp LP)