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. 2017 Dec 7;4(12):e005131. doi: 10.1099/jmmcr.0.005131

Table 1. Characteristics of Shewanella spp. infections in Gran Canaria between 2000 and 2016.

Case Date Origin Isolate Co-isolate Age (years) Sex Exposure to seawater Sample Underlying condition Clinical findings Treatment Outcome
1 27/10/00 C S. putrefaciens N 57 M NS Ear swab AHT, DM Severe external otitis NS Favourable
2 19/02/01 C S. putrefaciens N 68 M NS Blood AHT, DM, dyslipidaemia, IC (bypass) Fever while hospitalized at Neurology department NS Favourable
3 27/05/03 NSC S. putrefaciens E. coli 70 M NS SST (abscess) Colon carcinoma, AHT, DM, IC (bypass surgery) Rectal bleeding, diarrhoea, nausea, epigastric pain, surgical wound infection NS NS
4 01/12/03 NSC S. putrefaciens N 56 F NS Blood AHT, IC, DM, vascular disease (2 stents) Fever while hospitalized at Cardiology department Gentamicin+ceftriaxone Favourable
5 06/03/04 C S. putrefaciens Acinetobacter haemolyticus 32 F NS Blood Severe asthma, hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal reflux, obesity, hypercholesterolaemia Fever while hospitalized Levofloxacin Favourable
6 23/03/04 C S. putrefaciens N 64 M NS Blood Lung cancer (lobectomy, 2001), DM, asthma Pericardial effusion and pericarditis, hospitalized at Cardiology department NS Favourable
7 10/02/05 C S. putrefaciens N 80 F NS Blood Colon and cervix carcinoma, cholecystectomy, pancreatic mass of unknown origin Nausea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pain; hospitalized at Oncology department Antibiotics (NS) Favourable
8 28/08/06 NSC S. putrefaciens N 67 F NS Blood DM, chronic renal failure (renal transplant), AHT, IC Sepsis that required intensive care Antibiotics (NS) Death (unrelated to infection)
9 29/06/07 C S. putrefaciens Staphylococcus aureus 20 M Y (patera) SST (abscess) Septic shock, renal failure, rhabdomyolysis Hypothermia after patera sinking; septic shock, cellulitis in inferior limbs; malodorous purulent ulcer in a finger Antibiotics (NS) Surgical debridement of the lesions; amputation of the finger; otherwise favourable
10 21/08/07 C S. putrefaciens N 25 M Y (patera) SST (cutaneous wound swab) Necrosis of the left foot (dorsal); multiple wounds on the left thigh Piperacillin/tazobactam+doxycycline, followed by cefazolin+cephalexin Surgical debridement of the lesions; amputation of several fingers and skin graft; slow recovery, otherwise favourable
11 13/08/08 C S. putrefaciens N 74 M NS Blood AHT, colon carcinoma, liver and lung metastases, cholecystectomy Sepsis of abdominal origin; high fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, unconsciousness, dehydration Piperacillin/tazobactam+levofloxacin Favourable
12 04/09/08 C S. algae N 21 M Y (patera) SST (ulcer) Septic shock, renal failure, rhabdomyolysis Multiple dermal erosions in the legs Linezolid Favourable
13 05/09/08 C S. algae Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron 24 M Y (patera) SST (phlyctena) Dehydration, rhabdomyolysis, contusions in the legs Ceftazidime+doxycycline Debridement, skin graft, amputation of one phalanx and two fingers;
slow recovery, favourable
14 09/09/08 C S. algae A. salmonicida 20 M Y (patera) SST (cutaneous biopsy) Vomiting and diarrhoea after ingestion of seawater; anorexia (6 days), fever, dehydration, cutaneous excoriations, tumefaction, cellulitis in left leg with phlyctenas Imipenem+ceftazidime+ doxycycline+clindamycin Debridements, amputation of several fingers;
slow recovery, favourable
15 15/09/08 C S. putrefaciens N 20 M Y (patera) SST (wound) General health deterioration Right knee arthritis Cefotaxime+amoxicillin/clavulanic acid Favourable
16 09/12/08 C S. algae Staphylococcus aureus, Morganella morganii 20 M Y (patera) SST (wound) Pain and tumefaction in the right arm and leg; necrotic phalanx (4th finger, right hand) Antibiotics (NS) Amputation of the necrotic finger; otherwise favourable
17 20/08/10 C S. algae N 72 M NS SST (exudate from catheter site) Chronic renal disease, renal transplant (1999), peritoneal dialysis catheter (2010), multiple myeloma, osteoporosis Exudate around the dialysis catheter insertion area; slight infection NS Favourable
18 04/09/10 C S. putrefaciens N 70 M NS Blood AHT, auricular fibrillation, myocardial infarction (1996), 2 stents Fever NS Favourable
19 14/03/11 C S. algae N 70 M NS* SST (abscess) AHT, dyslipidaemia, chronic liver disease, alcoholism Traumatic wound in the left parieto-occipital region with necrotic, malodorous areas; fever Ciprofloxacin+vancomycin+ amoxicillin/clavulanic acid Favourable
20 05/10/11 NSC S. algae N 87 M NS Bronchial aspirate DM, Parkinson’s disease, AHT, peritonitis with colostomy, bacteraemia (Pseudomonas aeruginosa XDR, 2011) Complicated acute cholecystitis; accumulation of secretions in both lungs NS NS
21 06/06/12 C S. algae N 50 M NS SST (gluteal abscess) Crohn’s disease with ileostomy and proctocolectomy, intermittent jaundice, hypertriglyceridaemia, DVT; treatment with infliximab since 2009 Gluteal abscess after a fall; perineal sinus NS Torpid but favourable
22 23/05/13 NSC S. algae K. oxytoca, E. coli, Bacteroides fragilis 73 F NS Peritoneal lesion AHT, biliary fistula, adenocarcinoma of the ampulla of Vater Abdominal drain infection; gastrostomy Metronidazole+other antibiotics (NS) Favourable
23 02/06/14 C S. putrefaciens K. oxytoca 40 F NS Peritoneal lesion Chronic renal failure Acute peritonitis in patient with peritoneal dialysis; fever NS Favourable
24 07/08/14 C S. putrefaciens Enterococcus casseliflavus, Bacteroides uniformis 81 F NS Bile Dyslipidaemia, DM, sphincter incontinence, senile dementia Abdominal pain; faecal vomiting; constipation; sepsis from peripheric insertion central catheter Ciprofloxacin+fluconazole Favourable
25 12/08/14 C S. algae N 43 M Y SST (wound) Polytrauma after impact with a zodiac’s helix (thorax, abdomen, pelvis and right arm) Wound infection in the right arm Meropenem+linezolid (empirical); changed to ciprofloxacin after antibiogram Favourable
26 25/02/15 C S. algae K. oxytoca, Finegoldia magna 36 M NS SST (surgical wound) Smoker, dyslipidaemia Infection and necrosis signs in the palmar and radial regions of the right-hand thumb after car outrage Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid at the Emergency Unit; after surgery – ciprofloxacin+trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole Favourable
27 11/08/15 C S. algae Staphylococcus aureus 67 M NS SST (ulcer) Smoker, AHT, IC Dry necrosis in feet, leg and thigh; superinfected pretibial vascular ulcer Meropenem Supracondylar amputation; otherwise favourable
28 17/09/15 C S. algae Staphylococcus aureus, B. fragilis, Clostridium perfringens 23 M Y (patera) SST (wound) Left-leg ulcers NS NS
29 21/09/15 C S. algae E. coli, M. morganii 15 M Y (patera) SST (ulcer) Slight dehydration, rhabdomyolysis, patera foot; past infection by cytomegalovirus and hepatitis B; papulo-pustular lesions in the inferior limbs Burn in the lower right limb with phlyctenas; fever, tumefaction Imipenem+daptomycin+ clindamycin; changed to levofloxacin+ceftriaxone after antibiogram Favourable
30 18/05/16 NSC S. algae N 60 F NS SST (surgical wound) Obesity, smoker, diverticular disease, Arnold–Chiari malformation, waiting for abdominal surgery Desloughing, malodorous wound with necrotic signs; no fever, stable. Piperacillin/tazobactam Favourable
31 07/07/16 C S. algae Staphylococcus aureus 68 M NS SST (abscess) DM, arrhythmia; diabetic foot; left leg amputated (infra-condylar) Pain, cyanosis and necrosis in right foot Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid+metronidazole Infra-condylar amputation of right leg; otherwise favourable

AHT, Arterial hypertension; C, community; DM, diabetes mellitus; DVT, deep venous thrombosis; F, female; IC, ischaemic cardiomyopathy; M, male; N, no; NS, not stated; NSC, nosocomial; SST, skin and soft tissue; XDR, extensively drug resistant; Y, Yes.

*The patient was not exposed to seawater directly, but to sand from a local park.