Fig. 1. P rats have elevated levels of TLR4 and GABAA α2 and increased numbers of co-expressing cells in the NAc-shell.
(A,B) Protein extracts of micropunches collected from the NAc-shell from NP (n=4) and P (n=7) rats were immunoblotted with TLR4 (A) or α2 (B) antibodies, stripped and reprobed with antibody to GAPDH used as gel loading control. The results were quantitated by densitometric scanning and expressed as densitometric units normalized to GAPDH ± SEM. Each lane represents a distinct animal. The TLR4 and α2 levels are elevated in P compared to NP rats. (*p≤0.05 by ANOVA). (C,D) Confocal microscopy and Z-stack imaging of double immunofluorescent staining of NAc-shell sections (n=5/group) with TLR4 (red) and GABAA α2 (green) antibodies. Merged images reveal numerous α2+ neurons expressing TLR4 in the NAc-shell from P rats (C), but the numbers of TLR4+/α2+ cells are significantly lower in the NAc-shell from NP rats (D). Scale bars: 15 µm. The % co-staining cells are summarized in Table 1.