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. 2018 Mar 12;5:45. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2018.00045

Table 1.

Overview of observations within studies of maternal behavior in cattle with main emphasis on prepartum behavior.

Feral cattle Pasture-kept cattle Cattle housed in intensive commercial environment (mainly indoors)
Features of the birth site

Vegetative/visual cover Differs with habitath,k
  • Differs with habitatE

  • Mainly visual coverA

No clear preference19

Provides cover from disturbances Not studied Yes, from herd membersA
  • Calving when quiet in the barn1,5,21

  • Higher stocking density results in lower “isolation seeking”17

Distance to herd
  • Leave the herd but no defined distancee,g,h,i

  • 10–380 m away from the herdd

Leave the herd but no defined distanceG Not studied

Prepartum behavioral changes

Separation from herd
  • Yesa,c, e,g,h,i,j

  • Only some cows dob,d,f

  • YesA,C,E

  • Only some cows doF

  • NoB,D,H

  • Yes4,16

  • Only some cows do6

  • Yes, but depends on calving difficulty19

Restlessness Yesd YesA,C,F
  • Yes1,3,4,10,12,21

  • Varies with calving difficulty2,19

Increased walking/searching Yesd YesC,F Yes1,7,12,13,14,19,22

Lying time Not studied UnchangedG
  • Lower on the day of calving10,15

  • Higher 8 h before calving3

Increased transition from standing to lying and vice versa Yesd YesA,C,G Yes1,2,3,8,10,12,13,14,15,19,22

Increased sniffing/exploration Not studied Not studied
  • Yes1,14,19,22

  • No2

Increased tail raising Not studied YesC,F Yes2,11,12,13,14

Licking own body and attention toward abdomen Yesd YesC Yes1,10,12,22No11

Scraping or pawing the ground Yesd YesC Yes1,22

Less feeding behavior Yesd Not studied Yes10,12,13,14

Reduced rumination Not studied Not studied Yes1,3,7

A role of olfaction

Licking of own birth fluids Yesd YesA,C,F Yes1,12,14,18,20,22

Calving at own birth fluid spot Not studied YesA,C Yes18,20

Mismothering Not observedj
  • YesA,B,F

  • Not observedG


Interest and sniffing from other cows during calving
  • Noj

  • Yesf

  • Only from cows close to calving themselvesd

  • YesA,B,F

  • NoG


The table includes 41 studies separated into the categories: feral (n = 11), pasture-kept (n = 8), and intensive commercial cattle mainly housed indoors (n = 22). Aspects of and behaviors related to three different subjects (features of the birth site, prepartum behavioral changes, and the role of olfaction) are listed. Numbers and characters in superscript indicate the corresponding reference listed at the bottom of the table, with the number in brackets after each reference indicating the order in the reference list. ‘Not studied’ refers to the authors being unable to find any literature on this specific aspect.

References: aBaskin and Stepanov (21); bFinger et al. (22); cHall (13); dKiley-Worthington and de la Plain (23); eLent (4); fLidfors and Jensen (24); gReinhardt (25); hReinhardt et al. (12); iSchloeth (14); jVitale et al. (11); AAitken et al. (26); BEdwards (27); CGeorge and Barger (10); DLidfors (28); ELidfors et al. (3); FOwens et al. (29); GRice et al. (30); HWood-Gush et al. (31); 1Arthur (32); 2Barrier et al. (33); 3Borchers et al. (34); 4Dufty (35); 5Edwards (36); 6Edwards and Broom (16); 7Houwing et al. (17); 8Huzzey et al. (37); 9Illmann and Špinka (38); 10Jensen (8); 11Lange et al. (39); 12Metz and Metz (40); 13Miedema et al. (41); 14Miedema et al. (42); 15Proudfoot et al. (43); 16Proudfoot et al. (44); 17Proudfoot et al. (45); 18Rørvang et al. (46); 19Rørvang et al. (47); 20Selman et al. (48); 21von Keyserlingk and Weary (49); 22Wehrend et al. (9).