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. 2018 Mar 12;9:70. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00070

Table 2.

Cue reactivity group by stimulus type interaction effect.

Cluster size # voxels Cluster p value Voxel z value Peak voxel MNI coordinates Voxel region
Cocaine > neutral
Cocaine usersb 3,377 <0.001 >9.99 −2 48 −10 L Medial orbital frontal cortex
7.36 0 36 −10 R Medial orbital frontal cortex
6.19 −16 42 48 L Superior frontal gyrus
5.37 −4 36 4 L Anterior cingulate gyrus
4.18 −24 26 50 L Middle frontal gyrus
344 0.002 7.65 18 −8 −18 R Parahippocampal gyrus
6.87 22 −20 −14 R Hippocampus
792 <0.001 7.5 56 −60 −12 R Inferior temporal gyrus
7.12 24 −98 −2 R Inferior occipital gyrus
6.57 46 −54 −20 R Fusiform gyrus
6.31 46 −54 −26 R Cerebellum
4.91 34 −82 8 R Middle occipital gyrus
4.27 34 −74 −18 R Fusiform gyrus
60 0.002 6.45 −4 6 −6 L Nucleus accumbensa
20 0.006 5.64 6 6 −8 R Nucleus accumbensa
46 <0.001 7.70 −20 −8 −16 L amygdalaa
Controlsb No significant clusters

Neutral > cocaine
Cocaine usersb No significant clusters
Controlsb No significant clusters

All results were p < 0.05, cluster level family-wise error corrected with an initial height threshold of p = 0.001 uncorrected.

aPeak value, corrected for the volume of the amygdala or nucleus accumbens, ppeak voxel < 0.05.

bOnly those regions that show a significant group by stimulus type interaction effect are reported.