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. 2018 Mar 12;9:70. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00070

Table 4.

Differences in amygdala connectivity during cue reactivity (cocaine versus neutral) and the relation to childhood trauma (CTQ), STAI-state, and its interaction.

Cluster size # voxels Clusterp value Voxelz value Peak voxel MNI coordinates Voxel region
Left amygdala
Group × CTQ
Controls—positive correlationb 364 0.001 4.08 −24 16 0 L Putamen
3.89 16 8 0 R Pallidum
3.64 20 8 −6 R Putamen
Cocaine users—negative correlationb 177 0.039 4.43 −22 46 10 L Middle frontal gyrus
3.53 −32 42 10 L Inferior frontal gyrus
204 0.023 3.82 26 4 −10 R Putamen
3.76 14 14 −2 R Caudate
Group × STAI-state No significant clusters
Main effect STAI-state
Negative correlation 5,230 <0.001 5.01 16 0 50 R Superior frontal gyrus
4.85 −48 −4 30 L Precentral gyrus
4.6 −10 −14 54 L Supplementary motor area
4.53 56 −12 20 R Postcentral gyrus
4.36 −60 8 12 L Inferior frontal gyrus
4.27 −54 −28 48 L Inferior parietal gyrus
4.24 −50 −16 24 L Postcentral gyrus
236 0.012 3.94 −50 −48 −6 L Inferior temporal gyrus
3.65 −54 −46 −4 L Middle temporal gyrus
3.48 −38 −48 −12 L Fusiform gyrus
1,884 <0.001 4.26 14 46 18 R Anterior cingulate gyrus
4.24 10 38 44 R Medial frontal gyrus
3.93 −16 54 22 L Superior frontal gyrus
3.93 −4 46 18 L Medial frontal gyrus
3.81 −10 2 2 L Pallidum
330 0.002 4.09 −32 28 24 L Inferior frontal gyrus
3.54 −36 36 22 L Middle frontal gyrus
Positive correlation No significant clusters
Group × CTQ × STAI-state No significant clusters

Right amygdala
No significant main or interaction effects

All results were p < 0.05, cluster level family-wise error corrected with an initial height threshold of p = 0.001 uncorrected.

bOnly those regions that show a significant group by stimulus type interaction effect are reported.