Fig. 5.
Analysis of LC3, p62, and LAMP2 showing no influences on autophagy by BCAAs in rd10 mice. Western blot analysis of rd10 mice treated with BCAAs, or water as a control. Neural retinas of 19-, 21-, 23-, 30-, and 37-day-old rd10 mice were analyzed. Autophagy related protein LC3 (LC3), autophagy substrate SQSTM1 (p62) and lysosomal-associated membrane protein (LAMP) 2 were analyzed. Actin was used as a loading control. White triangle, LC3-I; black triangle, LC3-II; W, wild-type mice; C, control rd10 mice; B, BCAA-treated rd10 mice; P, positive control. Complete scans of western blots are shown in Fig. S4D.