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. 2018 Mar 1;4(2):e00537. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e00537

Table 1.

Measurement scales.

Extrinsic and intrinsic Benefit (Franke et al., 2009)

Compared to the standard product, the customized product would ___________.
1. Better satisfy my requirements
2. Better meet my personal preferences
3. More likely to be the best solution for me

Intrinsic Benefit (Franke and Schreier, 2010)

1. I enjoyed this design activity very much
2. I thought designing the product was quite enjoyable
3. Designing this product was very interesting

Emotional Product Attachment (Thomson et al., 2005)

Compared to the standard product of this brand, my feeling toward its customized product can be characterized by ___________.
1. Affection
2. Connection
3. Passion
4. Captivation

Attitude toward a mass customization program (Li et al., 2001)

The mass customization program in this website was
1. Unappealing – appealing
2. Unpleasant – pleasant
3. Unattractive – attractive
4. Dislikable – likable

Loyalty Intentions (Kwon and Lennon, 2009)

1. I would purchase a customized product in this customization program in the near future
2. I would recommend this customization program to friends or relatives
3. I would return to this website and customize a product in the near future

Product Involvement (Zaichkowsky, 1985)

To me, clothing is ___________.
1. Unimportant – important
2. Boring – interesting
3. Unappealing – appealing
4. Not needed – needed
5. Unexciting – exciting
6. Worthless – valuable

Fashion innovativeness (Park et al., 2007)

1. In general, I am the last in my circle of friends to know the names of the latest new fashion ®
2. In general, I am among the last in my circle of friends to buy a new fashion item when it appears. ®
3. Compared to my friends, I own new fashion items.
4. I know the names of new fashion designers before other people do.
5. If I heard that a new fashion item was available in the store, I would be interested enough to buy it.
6. I will buy a new fashion item even if I have not seen it before.