Table 1.
Measurement scales.
Extrinsic and intrinsic Benefit (Franke et al., 2009) |
Compared to the standard product, the customized product would ___________. |
1. Better satisfy my requirements |
2. Better meet my personal preferences |
3. More likely to be the best solution for me |
Intrinsic Benefit (Franke and Schreier, 2010) |
1. I enjoyed this design activity very much |
2. I thought designing the product was quite enjoyable |
3. Designing this product was very interesting |
Emotional Product Attachment (Thomson et al., 2005) |
Compared to the standard product of this brand, my feeling toward its customized product can be characterized by ___________. |
1. Affection |
2. Connection |
3. Passion |
4. Captivation |
Attitude toward a mass customization program (Li et al., 2001) |
The mass customization program in this website was |
1. Unappealing – appealing |
2. Unpleasant – pleasant |
3. Unattractive – attractive |
4. Dislikable – likable |
Loyalty Intentions (Kwon and Lennon, 2009) |
1. I would purchase a customized product in this customization program in the near future |
2. I would recommend this customization program to friends or relatives |
3. I would return to this website and customize a product in the near future |
Product Involvement (Zaichkowsky, 1985) |
To me, clothing is ___________. |
1. Unimportant – important |
2. Boring – interesting |
3. Unappealing – appealing |
4. Not needed – needed |
5. Unexciting – exciting |
6. Worthless – valuable |
Fashion innovativeness (Park et al., 2007) |
1. In general, I am the last in my circle of friends to know the names of the latest new fashion ® |
2. In general, I am among the last in my circle of friends to buy a new fashion item when it appears. ® |
3. Compared to my friends, I own new fashion items. |
4. I know the names of new fashion designers before other people do. |
5. If I heard that a new fashion item was available in the store, I would be interested enough to buy it. |
6. I will buy a new fashion item even if I have not seen it before. |