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. 2018 Mar 15;15:E32. doi: 10.5888/pcd15.170355

Table. Smoke-Free Rules in the Home and Car and Comparative Characteristics Among Minnesota Adult Smokers and Nonsmokers, Minnesota Adult Tobacco Survey, 2014a .

Variableb Home and Car Home But Not Car Car But Not Home Neither Home Nor Car P Valuec
Age, y
18–24 24.6 (0.34) 45.4 (0.39) 04.0 (0.15) 26.0 (0.35) <.001
25–44 19.5 (0.32) 54.7 (0.40) 03.0 (0.14) 22.9 (0.34) <.001
45–64 16.3 (0.38) 32.3 (0.48) 12.5 (0.34) 38.9 (0.50) <.001
≥65 16.9 (0.50) 13.6 (0.46) 10.0 (0.40) 59.7 (0.66) <.001
White (vs other) 17.9 (0.37) 44.2 (0.47) 05.3 (0.21) 32.5 (0.45) .03
Male (vs female) 19.5 (0.35) 44.1 (0.44) 05.6 (0.20) 30.8 (0.41) .57
Metropolitan county (vs nonmetropolitan county) 20.8 (0.32) 42.8 (0.39) 08.3 (0.22) 28.1 (0.35) .03
Educationd, category mean (SD) 02.6 (0.78) 02.6 (0.72) 02.1 (0.70) 02.3 (0.86) <.001
Low incomee (vs other) 12.0 (0.32) 33.5 (0.47) 09.9 (0.30) 44.6 (0.50) <.001
Married (vs unmarried) 22.5 (0.38) 43.8 (0.45) 05.9 (0.21) 27.8 (0.41) .18
Child aged <18 y in household 21.1 (0.34) 53.8 (0.41) 01.9 (0.12) 23.2 (0.35) <.001
Lives with smoker 14.7 (0.31) 40.1 (0.43) 08.2 (0.24) 36.9 (0.42) <.01
Smoking intensityf
Light 25.7 (0.40) 45.9 (0.45) 06.8 (0.23) 21.6 (0.37) <.001
Moderate 05.9 (0.22) 39.7 (0.47) 06.9 (0.24) 47.5 (0.48) <.001
Heavy 06.0 (0.25) 36.1 (0.51) 07.6 (0.28) 50.3 (0.53) <.001
Age, y
18–24 71.5 (0.35) 21.6 (0.32) 02.9 (0.13) 04.0 (0.15) <.001
25–44 87.4 (0.28) 09.5 (0.25) 01.6 (0.10) 01.5 (0.10) <.001
45–64 84.8 (0.37) 07.9 (0.28) 02.1 (0.15) 05.2 (0.23) <.001
≥65 87.4 (0.44) 05.1 (0.29) 03.5 (0.24) 04.0 (0.26) <.001
White (vs other) 85.0 (0.37) 09.3 (0.30) 02.1 (0.15) 03.6 (0.19) .21
Male (vs female) 82.9 (0.36) 10.6 (0.30) 02.3 (0.15) 04.2 (0.19) .02
Metropolitan county (vs nonmetropolitan county) 84.5 (0.31) 09.7 (0.26) 02.3 (0.13) 03.5 (0.16) .86
Educationd, category mean (SD) 03.0 (0.91) 02.8 (0.76) 02.7 (1.10) 02.6 (0.82) <.001
Low incomee (vs other) 77.6 (0.01) 13.4 (0.01) 03.1 (0.01) 05.8 (0.01) <.001
Married (vs unmarried) 88.9 (0.01) 06.4 (0.01) 01.8 (0.00) 02.9 (0.00) <.001
Child aged <18 y in household 87.0 (0.01) 09.9 (0.01) 01.1 (0.00) 02.0 (0.00) <.001
Lives with smoker 44.2 (0.02) 34.8 (0.02) 04.1 (0.01) 16.9 (0.02) <.001

All estimates were derived by using survey weights.


All values are % (SD) except where otherwise noted.


F ratios and adjusted Wald tests were used to compare continuous variables; χ2 statistics and design-adjusted F ratios were used to compare binary variables.


Education was a 4-category measure: 1 = no high school degree; 2 = high school degree; 3 = more than high school degree but no college degree; and 4 = college degree or more.


Low income was defined as the lowest 25% of the distribution of our income measure, which was equivalent to less than $30,000 total household income per year.


Smoking intensity is based on smoking frequency and number of cigarettes per day (light = <15 cigarettes per day and both daily and nondaily smoker; moderate = >15 but <25 cigarettes per day and a daily smoker; heavy = >25 cigarettes per day and a daily smoker.