Table. Smoke-Free Rules in the Home and Car and Comparative Characteristics Among Minnesota Adult Smokers and Nonsmokers, Minnesota Adult Tobacco Survey, 2014a .
Variableb | Home and Car | Home But Not Car | Car But Not Home | Neither Home Nor Car | P Valuec |
Smokers | |||||
Age, y | |||||
18–24 | 24.6 (0.34) | 45.4 (0.39) | 04.0 (0.15) | 26.0 (0.35) | <.001 |
25–44 | 19.5 (0.32) | 54.7 (0.40) | 03.0 (0.14) | 22.9 (0.34) | <.001 |
45–64 | 16.3 (0.38) | 32.3 (0.48) | 12.5 (0.34) | 38.9 (0.50) | <.001 |
≥65 | 16.9 (0.50) | 13.6 (0.46) | 10.0 (0.40) | 59.7 (0.66) | <.001 |
White (vs other) | 17.9 (0.37) | 44.2 (0.47) | 05.3 (0.21) | 32.5 (0.45) | .03 |
Male (vs female) | 19.5 (0.35) | 44.1 (0.44) | 05.6 (0.20) | 30.8 (0.41) | .57 |
Metropolitan county (vs nonmetropolitan county) | 20.8 (0.32) | 42.8 (0.39) | 08.3 (0.22) | 28.1 (0.35) | .03 |
Educationd, category mean (SD) | 02.6 (0.78) | 02.6 (0.72) | 02.1 (0.70) | 02.3 (0.86) | <.001 |
Low incomee (vs other) | 12.0 (0.32) | 33.5 (0.47) | 09.9 (0.30) | 44.6 (0.50) | <.001 |
Married (vs unmarried) | 22.5 (0.38) | 43.8 (0.45) | 05.9 (0.21) | 27.8 (0.41) | .18 |
Child aged <18 y in household | 21.1 (0.34) | 53.8 (0.41) | 01.9 (0.12) | 23.2 (0.35) | <.001 |
Lives with smoker | 14.7 (0.31) | 40.1 (0.43) | 08.2 (0.24) | 36.9 (0.42) | <.01 |
Smoking intensityf | |||||
Light | 25.7 (0.40) | 45.9 (0.45) | 06.8 (0.23) | 21.6 (0.37) | <.001 |
Moderate | 05.9 (0.22) | 39.7 (0.47) | 06.9 (0.24) | 47.5 (0.48) | <.001 |
Heavy | 06.0 (0.25) | 36.1 (0.51) | 07.6 (0.28) | 50.3 (0.53) | <.001 |
Nonsmokers | |||||
Age, y | |||||
18–24 | 71.5 (0.35) | 21.6 (0.32) | 02.9 (0.13) | 04.0 (0.15) | <.001 |
25–44 | 87.4 (0.28) | 09.5 (0.25) | 01.6 (0.10) | 01.5 (0.10) | <.001 |
45–64 | 84.8 (0.37) | 07.9 (0.28) | 02.1 (0.15) | 05.2 (0.23) | <.001 |
≥65 | 87.4 (0.44) | 05.1 (0.29) | 03.5 (0.24) | 04.0 (0.26) | <.001 |
White (vs other) | 85.0 (0.37) | 09.3 (0.30) | 02.1 (0.15) | 03.6 (0.19) | .21 |
Male (vs female) | 82.9 (0.36) | 10.6 (0.30) | 02.3 (0.15) | 04.2 (0.19) | .02 |
Metropolitan county (vs nonmetropolitan county) | 84.5 (0.31) | 09.7 (0.26) | 02.3 (0.13) | 03.5 (0.16) | .86 |
Educationd, category mean (SD) | 03.0 (0.91) | 02.8 (0.76) | 02.7 (1.10) | 02.6 (0.82) | <.001 |
Low incomee (vs other) | 77.6 (0.01) | 13.4 (0.01) | 03.1 (0.01) | 05.8 (0.01) | <.001 |
Married (vs unmarried) | 88.9 (0.01) | 06.4 (0.01) | 01.8 (0.00) | 02.9 (0.00) | <.001 |
Child aged <18 y in household | 87.0 (0.01) | 09.9 (0.01) | 01.1 (0.00) | 02.0 (0.00) | <.001 |
Lives with smoker | 44.2 (0.02) | 34.8 (0.02) | 04.1 (0.01) | 16.9 (0.02) | <.001 |
All estimates were derived by using survey weights.
All values are % (SD) except where otherwise noted.
F ratios and adjusted Wald tests were used to compare continuous variables; χ2 statistics and design-adjusted F ratios were used to compare binary variables.
Education was a 4-category measure: 1 = no high school degree; 2 = high school degree; 3 = more than high school degree but no college degree; and 4 = college degree or more.
Low income was defined as the lowest 25% of the distribution of our income measure, which was equivalent to less than $30,000 total household income per year.
Smoking intensity is based on smoking frequency and number of cigarettes per day (light = <15 cigarettes per day and both daily and nondaily smoker; moderate = >15 but <25 cigarettes per day and a daily smoker; heavy = >25 cigarettes per day and a daily smoker.