Cause and Rate | Data Years and ICD Revision |
1900 (ICD 1) | 1910, 1920 (ICD 2) | 1930 (ICD 4) | 1940 (ICD 5) | 1950 (ICD 6) | 1960 (ICD 7) | 1970 (ICD 8) | 1980, 1990 (ICD 9) | 2000, 2010 (ICD 10) | |
All causes | |||||||||
DR | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
AADR | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
Influenza and pneumonia | 10, 92, 93 | 10, 91, 92 | 11, 107–109 | 33, 107–109 | 480–493 | 480–493 | 470–474, 480–486 | 480–487 | J10–J18 |
DR | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
AADR | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
Tuberculosis | 26–34, 35 | 28–35 | 23–32 | 13–22 | 001–019 | 001–019 | 010–019 | 010–018 | A16–A19 |
DR | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
AADR | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
Diarrhea and enteritis | 13, 105, 106 | 13, 104, 105 | 119, 120 | 119, 120 | 543, 571, 572 | 543, 571, 572 | 009 | 009 | A09 |
DR | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Wonder | Wonder | Wonder |
AADR | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Wonder | Wonder | Wonder |
Cancers (malignant neoplasms)a | 39–45 | 39–45 | 45–53 | 45–55 | 140–205 | 140–205 | 140–209 | 140–208 | C00– C97 |
DR | Linder T15 | Linder T15 | Linder T15 | Linder T15 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
AADR | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
Cancers of respiratory system | NA | NA | 47 | 47 | 160–164 | 160–164 | 160–163 | 160–165 | C30–C39 |
DR | NA | NA | NA | Grove T63 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Wonder |
AADR | NA | NA | NA | NA | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Wonder |
Major cardiovascular diseasesa | 64–66, 77–86, 142 | 47, 64–66, 77–85, 142 | 56, 82, 90–95, 97–103 | 58, 83, 90–103 | 330–334, 400–468 | 330–334, 400–468 | 390–448 | 390–448 | I00–I78 |
DR | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Grove T63 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Wonder, NCHS 2013, |
AADR | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
Heart diseasesa | 77–80 | 77–80 | 90–95 | 90–95 | 400–402, 410–443 | 400–402, 410–443 | 390–398, 402, 404, 410–429 | 390–398, 402, 404, 405–409, 410–429 | I00–I09, I11, I13, I20–I51 |
DR | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
AADR | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases) | 64–66, 82 | 64–66, 82 | 82 | 83 | 330–334 | 330–334 | 430–438 | 430–438 | I60–I69 |
DR | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
AADR | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
Chronic lower respiratory diseases | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 241, 501, 502, 527.1 | 490–493, 519.3 | 490–496 | J40–J47 |
DR | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
AADR | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Wonder | Hist293 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
Unintentional injuries (accidents) | 164–175, 176pt | 165–181, 185, 186 | 176, 178–195, 201–214 | 169–176, 178–195 | E800–E962 | E800‐E962 | E800–E949 | E800–E949 | V01–X59, Y85–Y86 |
DR | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
AADR | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
Unintentional motor vehicle injuries (motor vehicle accidents) | 166part | 175part | 206, 208, 210, 211 | 170 | E810–E835 | E810–E835 | E810–E823 | E810–E825 | V02–V04, V09.0, V09.2, V12–V14, V19.0–V19.2, V19.4–V19.6, V20–V79, V80.3–V80.5, V81.0–V81.1, V82.0–V82.1, V83–V86, V87.0– V87.8, V88.0–V88.8, V89.0, V89.2 |
DR | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
AADR | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
Unintentional injuries, nonmotor vehicle | 164, 165, 166pt, 167–175, 176pt | 165–174, 175pt, 176–181, 185, 186 | 176, 178–195, 201–205, 207, 209, 212–214 | 169, 171–176, 178–195 | E800–E802, E840–E962 | E800–E802, E840–E962 | E800–E807, E825–E949 | E800–E807, E826–E949 | V01, V05–V06, V09.1, V09.3–V09.9, V10–V11, V15–V18, V19.3, V19.8–V19.9, V80.0–V80.2, V80.6–V80.9, V81.2–V81.9, V82.2–V82.9, V87.9, V88.9, V89.1, V89.3, V89.9, V90–V99, W00–X59, Y85–Y86 |
DR | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
AADR | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
Ill-defined conditionsa | 154, 177–179 | 154, 187–189 | 162, 199, 200 | 162, 199, 200 | 780–795 | 780–795 | 780–796 | 780–799 | R00–R99 |
DR | Linder T15 | Linder T15 | Linder T15 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Hist290 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
AADR | NA | NA | NA | NA | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Hist293 | Wonder, NCHS 2013 |
Senility | 154 | 154 | 162 | 162 | 794 | 794 | 794 | 797 | R54 |
DR | Linder T15 | Linder T15 | Linder T15 | Linder T15 | Grove T65 | Grove T65 | Wonder | Wonder | Wonder |
AADR | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Wonder | Wonder | Wonder |
Other ill-defined conditions | 177–179 | 187–189 | 199, 200 | 199, 200 | 780–793, 795 | 780–793, 795 | 780–793, 795–796 | 780–796, 798–799 | R00–R53, R55–R99 |
DR | Linder T15 | Linder T15 | Linder T15 | Linder T15 | NA | NA | Wonder | Wonder | Wonder |
AADR | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Wonder | Wonder | Wonder |
Abbreviations: AADR, age-adjusted death rate; DR, death rate; NCHS, National Center for Health Statistics.
a Hist290 and Hist293 rates for 1900 for major cardiovascular diseases do not include ICD 1 code 47. From 1900 through 1940, leukemia was not classified with cancers, and rates for leukemia are only available for these years for the whole population (ie, without sex- or race-specific rates). Thus, for 1900 through 1940, cancer rates do not include deaths from leukemia. Hist290 Death Rates for 1970 for heart disease do not include ICD 8 code 402. The title for “Ill-defined Conditions” has varied among the 10 ICD revisions. From 1900 through 1940, senility was classified separately and not as an “Ill-defined Condtion.” From 1950 through 2010, senility was classified within Ill-defined Conditons (ICD-6 through ICD-9) or within Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (ICD-10).