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. 2018 Mar 8;15:E30. doi: 10.5888/pcd15.170284
Cause and Rate Data Years and ICD Revision
1900 (ICD 1) 1910, 1920 (ICD 2) 1930 (ICD 4) 1940 (ICD 5) 1950 (ICD 6) 1960 (ICD 7) 1970 (ICD 8) 1980, 1990 (ICD 9) 2000, 2010 (ICD 10)
All causes
DR Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Wonder, NCHS 2013
AADR Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Wonder, NCHS 2013
Influenza and pneumonia 10, 92, 93 10, 91, 92 11, 107–109 33, 107–109 480–493 480–493 470–474, 480–486 480–487 J10–J18
DR Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Wonder, NCHS 2013
AADR Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Wonder, NCHS 2013
Tuberculosis 26–34, 35 28–35 23–32 13–22 001–019 001–019 010–019 010–018 A16–A19
DR Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Wonder, NCHS 2013
AADR Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Wonder, NCHS 2013
Diarrhea and enteritis 13, 105, 106 13, 104, 105 119, 120 119, 120 543, 571, 572 543, 571, 572 009 009 A09
DR Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Wonder Wonder Wonder
AADR Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Wonder Wonder Wonder
Cancers (malignant neoplasms)a 39–45 39–45 45–53 45–55 140–205 140–205 140–209 140–208 C00– C97
DR Linder T15 Linder T15 Linder T15 Linder T15 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Wonder, NCHS 2013
AADR Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Wonder, NCHS 2013
Cancers of respiratory system NA NA 47 47 160–164 160–164 160–163 160–165 C30–C39
DR NA NA NA Grove T63 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Wonder
AADR NA NA NA NA Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Wonder
Major cardiovascular diseasesa 64–66, 77–86, 142 47, 64–66, 77–85, 142 56, 82, 90–95, 97–103 58, 83, 90–103 330–334, 400–468 330–334, 400–468 390–448 390–448 I00–I78
DR Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Grove T63 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Wonder, NCHS 2013,
AADR Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Wonder, NCHS 2013
Heart diseasesa 77–80 77–80 90–95 90–95 400–402, 410–443 400–402, 410–443 390–398, 402, 404, 410–429 390–398, 402, 404, 405–409, 410–429 I00–I09, I11, I13, I20–I51
DR Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Wonder, NCHS 2013
AADR Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Wonder, NCHS 2013
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases) 64–66, 82 64–66, 82 82 83 330–334 330–334 430–438 430–438 I60–I69
DR Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Wonder, NCHS 2013
AADR Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Wonder, NCHS 2013
Chronic lower respiratory diseases NA NA NA NA NA 241, 501, 502, 527.1 490–493, 519.3 490–496 J40–J47
DR NA NA NA NA NA Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Wonder, NCHS 2013
AADR NA NA NA NA NA NA Wonder Hist293 Wonder, NCHS 2013
Unintentional injuries (accidents) 164–175, 176pt 165–181, 185, 186 176, 178–195, 201–214 169–176, 178–195 E800–E962 E800‐E962 E800–E949 E800–E949 V01–X59, Y85–Y86
DR Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Wonder, NCHS 2013
AADR Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Wonder, NCHS 2013
Unintentional motor vehicle injuries (motor vehicle accidents) 166part 175part 206, 208, 210, 211 170 E810–E835 E810–E835 E810–E823 E810–E825 V02–V04, V09.0, V09.2, V12–V14, V19.0–V19.2, V19.4–V19.6, V20–V79, V80.3–V80.5, V81.0–V81.1, V82.0–V82.1, V83–V86, V87.0– V87.8, V88.0–V88.8, V89.0, V89.2
DR Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Wonder, NCHS 2013
AADR Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Wonder, NCHS 2013
Unintentional injuries, nonmotor vehicle 164, 165, 166pt, 167–175, 176pt 165–174, 175pt, 176–181, 185, 186 176, 178–195, 201–205, 207, 209, 212–214 169, 171–176, 178–195 E800–E802, E840–E962 E800–E802, E840–E962 E800–E807, E825–E949 E800–E807, E826–E949 V01, V05–V06, V09.1, V09.3–V09.9, V10–V11, V15–V18, V19.3, V19.8–V19.9, V80.0–V80.2, V80.6–V80.9, V81.2–V81.9, V82.2–V82.9, V87.9, V88.9, V89.1, V89.3, V89.9, V90–V99, W00–X59, Y85–Y86
DR Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Wonder, NCHS 2013
AADR Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Wonder, NCHS 2013
Ill-defined conditionsa 154, 177–179 154, 187–189 162, 199, 200 162, 199, 200 780–795 780–795 780–796 780–799 R00–R99
DR Linder T15 Linder T15 Linder T15 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Hist290 Wonder, NCHS 2013
AADR NA NA NA NA Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Hist293 Wonder, NCHS 2013
Senility 154 154 162 162 794 794 794 797 R54
DR Linder T15 Linder T15 Linder T15 Linder T15 Grove T65 Grove T65 Wonder Wonder Wonder
AADR NA NA NA NA NA NA Wonder Wonder Wonder
Other ill-defined conditions 177–179 187–189 199, 200 199, 200 780–793, 795 780–793, 795 780–793, 795–796 780–796, 798–799 R00–R53, R55–R99
DR Linder T15 Linder T15 Linder T15 Linder T15 NA NA Wonder Wonder Wonder
AADR NA NA NA NA NA NA Wonder Wonder Wonder

Abbreviations: AADR, age-adjusted death rate; DR, death rate; NCHS, National Center for Health Statistics.

a Hist290 and Hist293 rates for 1900 for major cardiovascular diseases do not include ICD 1 code 47. From 1900 through 1940, leukemia was not classified with cancers, and rates for leukemia are only available for these years for the whole population (ie, without sex- or race-specific rates). Thus, for 1900 through 1940, cancer rates do not include deaths from leukemia. Hist290 Death Rates for 1970 for heart disease do not include ICD 8 code 402. The title for “Ill-defined Conditions” has varied among the 10 ICD revisions. From 1900 through 1940, senility was classified separately and not as an “Ill-defined Condtion.” From 1950 through 2010, senility was classified within Ill-defined Conditons (ICD-6 through ICD-9) or within Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (ICD-10).