Table 2.
List of PPPs used by 30 producers in tomato production in Kouka and Toussiana (Burkina Faso).
Trade Name of PPP | Area of Use | Formulation | Active Substances | Chemical Families | SPC Approval | WHO Class |
ACARIUS 018 EC | Vegetables | EC | Abamectin (18 g/L) | Avermectin | Yes | I |
AVAUNT 150 SC | Cotton | CS | Indoxacarb 150 g/L | Carbamates | Yes | - |
BIOK 16 | Vegetables | WP | Bt var. kurstaki: 2–4% (16,000 UI/mg) | Bacillaceae | Yes | III |
COGA 80 WP | Vegetables | WP | Mancozeb (800 g/kg) | Carbamates | Yes | U |
CONQUEST 176 EC | Cotton | EC | Cypermethrin (144 g/L) + Acetamiprid (32 g/L) | Pyrethroids + Neonicotinoids | Yes | II |
DUEL CP 186 EC | Cotton | EC | Cypermethrin (36 g/L) + Profenofos (150 g/L) | Pyrethroids + Organophosphates | None | II |
EMA 19.2 EC | Cotton | EC | Emamectin benzoate (19.2 g/L) | Avermectin | Yes | II |
EMACOT 019 EC | Cotton | EC | Emamectin benzoate (19 g/L) | Avermectin | Yes | II |
EMIR FORT 104 EC | Cotton | EC | Cypermethrin (72 g/L) + Acetamiprid (32 g/L) | Pyrethroids + Neonicotinoids | Yes | II |
JUMPER 75 WG | Vegetables | WG | Chlorothalonil (750 g/kg) | Chloronitrile | Yes | U |
K-OPTIMAL | Vegetables | EC | -Cyhalothrin (15 g/L) + Acetamiprid (20 g/L) | Pyrethroids + Neonicotinoids | Yes | II |
LAMBDA POWER | Vegetables | EC | λ-Cyhalothrin (25 g) | Pyrethroids | None | II |
LAMBDA SUPER 2.5 EC | Vegetables | EC | λ-Cyhalothrin (25 g) | Pyrethroids | None | II |
LAMBDACAL P636EC | Cotton | EC | Λ-Chyhalothrine (36 g/L) + Profenofos (600 g/L) | Pyrethroids + Organophosphates | Yes | II |
PACHA 25 EC | Vegetables | EC | Λ-Cyhalothrin (15 g/L) + Acetamiprid (10 g/L) | Pyrethroids + Neonicotinoids | Yes | II |
POLYTRINE 336 EC | Cotton | EC | Cypermethrin (36 g/L) + Profenofos (300 g/L) | Pyrethroids + Organophosphates | None | II |
SAVAHALER | Vegetables | WP | Methomyl (250 g/kg) | Carbamates | Yes | Ib |
TROPISTAR 336 EC | Cotton | EC | Cypermethrin (36 g/L) + Profenofos (300 g/L) | Pyrethroids + Organophosphates | None | II |
EC = Emulsifiable concentrate; WP = Wettable powder; CS = Concentrated suspension; WG = Water-dispersible granules; Class I: extremely/highly hazardous; Class Ib: very hazardous to humans; Class II: moderately hazardous; Class III: slightly hazardous, Class U: Unlikely to present a hazard to humans under normal use conditions.