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. 2018 Feb 22;15(2):379. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15020379

Table A18.

Summary of findings table for the association between aircraft noise exposure and the incidence of hypertension.

Question Does Exposure to Aircraft Noise Increase the Risk of Hypertension
People Adult population (men and women, 35–56 years)
Setting Residential setting: people living around Stockholm Arlanda airport in Sweden
Outcome The incidence of hypertension
Summary of findings RR per 10 dB increase in aircraft noise level (LDEN) 1.00 (0.77–1.30) per 10 dB
Number of participants (# studies) 4712 (1)
Number of cases 1346
Rating Adjustment to rating
Quality assessment Starting rating 1 cohort study # 4 (high)
Factors decreasing confidence Risk of bias Serious limitations a Downgrading
Inconsistency NA b No downgrading
Indirectness None c No downgrading
Imprecision None d No downgrading
Publication bias NA e No downgrading
Factors increasing confidence Strength of association Small f No upgrading
Exposure-response gradient No evidence of an exposure-response gradient f Nu upgrading
Possible confounding Non-residual misclassification of disease No upgrading
Overall judgement of quality of evidence 2 (Low) g

# Since a cohort study was available, we started with a grading of “high” (4); a Participants were a (partly) random selection from people participating in the Stockholm Preventive Programm. Hypertension was ascertained by both a clinical examination and a questionnaire; although it was not possible to exactly assess the attrition rate, it was probably > 20%; b Since only one study was evaluated, this criterion was not applied; c The study assessed population, exposure, and outcome of interest; d We considered the results to be precise: the sample was sufficiently large, and the 95% CI was sufficiently narrow; e Since only one study was evaluated, we were not able to test for publication bias; f We found a non-significant effect size of 1.00 per 10 dB. The noise range of the evaluated study was 45–65 dB (LDEN); g The overall judgement of the quality of evidence was graded as “moderate” (3). Since only one study was available, we downgraded the overall level of evidence to “low” (2).