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. 2018 Feb 15;8(7):1985–2017. doi: 10.7150/thno.23856

Table 1.

Gold nanoparticle based detections of viruses

Group/Virusa Targetb AuNP systemc Assayd Detection
Detection platform Time (minutes) Ref
AuNPs Biomolecule
Shape Size
HTNV NC protein Spherical 30 nm DNA IPCR 10 fg/mL 105 ‒ 1 fg/mL Microtitre plate 125 96
RVFV Capsid antigen Spherical 60 nm Antibody SERS 5 fg/mL 50 - 0.005 pg/mL Glass slide >60 49
EBOV NP gene Spherical 13 nm DNA Scanometric 20 fM 20 fM Chip 330 50
Spherical 13 nm DNA DLS 20 fM 20 fM Chip 330 50
SARS PP1ab gene Spherical 13 nm None Colorimetric 60 fmol ND Tube 5 54
NC protein Spherical 70 nm DNA Electrochemical 2.5 pM 50 - 2.5 pM Electrodes >120 72
HCV HCV antigen Spherical 12 nm DNA
Electrical 1 pg/μL 10 ng/μL ‒ 1 pg/μL Electrodes 245 69
C gene Spherical 8-15 nm DNA DLS 0.36 pM 0.3 μM - 0.3 pM Chip 75 80
Spherical 8-15 nm DNA Colorimetric 0.36 pM 0.3 μM - 0.3 pM Chip 75 80
HCV antibody Spherical 15 nm SPA Scanometric 3 ng/mL 3 μg/mL - 3 ng/mL Chip 10 88
5' UTR gene Spherical 40 nm DNA Colorimetric 2 fmol 30 ‒ 2 fmol Stripe 50 55
Spherical 10-15 nm DNA Electrochemical ~1 pM 2.0 - 0.01 nM Electrodes 60 78
Full genome Spherical 15 nm None Colorimetric 50 copies ND Tube 110 56
Spherical 8 nm DNA Fluorometric 300 fM 550 - 15 pM ND 184 60
DENV E gene Spherical 13 nm DNA QCM 2 PFU/mL 2×106 ‒ 2 PFU/mL Chip 90 93
Spherical ND DNA ICP-MS 1.6 fM 5 pM - 5 fM Tube 90 94
WNV E antigen Spherical 60 nm Antibody SERS 5 fg/mL 50 - 0.005 pg/mL Tube 49
HBV anti-HBV Spherical 15 nm SPA Scanometric 3 ng/mL 3 μg/mL - 3 ng/mL Chip 10 88
HBeAg Rod L = 46 nm
D = 13 nm
Antibody Fluorometric 8.3 ng/mL Up to 264 ng/mL ND ND 62
HBsAg Spherical 10, 50, and 100 nm Antibody DLS 0.005 IU/mL 1 - 0.005 IU/mL Tube <60 51
Rod L = 68 nm
D = 30 nm
Antibody LSPR 0.01 IU/mL 1 - 0.01 IU/mL Tube ND 52
Spherical 16 nm Antibody Electrochemical 0.1 ng/mL 650 ‒ 0.5 ng/mL Electrodes 65 76
Spherical ~10 nm Antibody 2.3 pg/mL 1.0 - 0.01 ng/mL Electrodes 60 77
Spherical 16 nm Antibody 87 pg/mL 1500 - 0.1 ng/mL Electrochemical cell ~50 75
Rod L = 46 nm
D = 13 nm
Antibody Fluorometric 9 ng/mL Up to 288 ng/mL ND 62
Spherical 5.5 nm Peptide 0.1 pg/mL 0.1 - 0.0001 ng/mL Microtitre plate 30 65
HBV DNA Rod ND DNA Fluorometric 15 pM 6.0 - 0.045 nM ND ~60 61
S gene Spherical 15-8 nm DNA Colorimetric 0.36 pM 0.3 μM - 0.3 pM Chip 75 80
Spherical 13 nm DNA Scanometric 20 fM At 20 fM 330 50
Spherical 5 nm Avidin Electrochemical 0.7 ng/mL 1.47 - 0.7 ng/mL Electrochemical cell 105 220
C gene Spherical 10 nm DNA Scanometric 1 fM 10-11 - 10-15 Chip 90 85
Particles Spherical 5.5 nm Peptide Fluorometric 100 - 1 particle/μL 1000 - 1 particle/μL Microtitre plate 30 65
HEV ORF1gene Spherical 14 nm DNA Colorimetric 100 fM 1x104 - 50 fM Chip 110 82
KSHV KSHV DNA Spherical 15 nm DNA Colorimetric ~1 nM 1 mM - 10 pM Tube 60-30 57
HCMV Full genome Spherical 20 nm DNA Electrochemical 5 pM 5000 - 5 pM Electrochemical cell 780 68
HSV-2 anti-HSV-2 Spherical ND Antibody Colorimetric ND ND Strip 20 59
H1N1 Anti-H1N1 Spherical 20 nm Antibody DLS <100 TCID50/mL 1.4x106 - 5.5x103 TCID50/mL
4.8x105 - 7.2x101 TCID50/mL
Tube 30 53
HA antigen Spherical 25 nm Protein A Fluorometric 13.9 pg/mL 800 - 12.5 ng/mL ND ND 63
NA gene Spherical ND DNA SERS 25 nM 50 - 25 nM ND ND 64
Spherical ND DNA Fluorometric 25 nM 50 - 25 nM ND ND 64
M gene Spherical ND Avidin Electrochemical 577 pM 3 - 0.001 pmol Electrodes 80-50 70
Rod L = <30 nm
D = <10 nm
None Colorimetric 1pg 0.1 ng - 0.01 pg Tube ~ 60 67
H5N1 HA gene Spherical 32 nm Antibody Colorimetric 40 - 0.1 ng 100 - 0.1 ng Stripe ND 66
Spherical ND DNA Electrochemical 0.4 pM 1.0 nM - 5.0 pM Electrodes 20 71
Spherical 3 nm Daunorubicin Scanometric 10 pM 10 pM - 100 nM Chip 20 83
Spherical 15 nm DNA 100 fM
103 TCID50
ND Chip 150 86
Spherical 1.4 nm None 10 pM 10 pM - 100 nM Chip 90 87
NA gene Spherical 15 nm DNA Scanometric 100 fM
103 TCID50
ND Chip 150 86
Particles Spherical 22 nm Antibody Fluorometric 0.09 ng/mL 12 - 0.27 ng/mL Strip 30 58
Spherical 10 nm Pentabody Colorimetric 10 ng/mL 10‒1 - 10-4 μg/mL Tube 35 92
HPV L1 gene Spherical ND Antibody Electrical 30 pM 5 nM - 100 pM Chip 155 89
Spherical 16 nm DNA Fluorometric 1 fM 100 - 0.001 pM Microbead array 155 98
HAV VP1gene Spherical 14 nm DNA Scanometric 100 fM 0.3 ‒ 0.03 nM Chip 240 221
Vall7 gene Spherical 13 nm DNA Scanometric 20 fM At 20 fM Chip 330 50
Spherical 13 nm DNA DLS 20 fM At 20 fM Chip 330 50
HIV p24 antigen Spherical 15 nm Avidin
DLS 0.2 pM 31.4 pM - 1.6 fM Chip >170 81
Spherical 15 nm Avidin
Scanometric 0.1 pg/mL 500 - 0.1 pg/mL Microtiter plate ~360 84
Spherical 20 nm Antibody AFM 0.025 pg/mL 3500 - 50 copies/mL Chip <360 95
Spherical 30 nm Antibody/
IPCR 1 pg/mL 10000 - 1 pg/mL Microtiter plate >125 97
Spherical 30 nm Antibody/
0.1 pg/mL 1000 - 0.1 pg/mL Microtiter plate >85 97
gag gene Spherical 60 nm DNA Colorimetric ~11 log10 copies/mL 11 - 12.5 log10 copies Stripe 30 91
pol gene Spherical 3 nm DNA Electrochemical 0.34 fM 1.0 µM - 0.1 pM Electrodes 50 73
Spherical 13 nm DNA DLS 10 fM 10 nM - 1 fM Microtiter plate 80 90

a DENV: dengue virus; EBOV: Ebola virus; H1N1: influenza A virus subtype H1N1; H5N1: influenza A virus subtype H5N1; HAV: hepatitis A virus; HBV: hepatitis B virus; HCMV: human cytomegalovirus; HCV: hepatitis C virus; HEV: hepatitis E virus; HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; HPV: human papilloma virus; HSV-2: herpes simplex virus-2; HTNV: hantaan virus; KSHV: Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus; RVFV: Rift Valley fever virus; SARS: severe acute respiratory syndrome; WNV: west Nile virus.

b 5 UTR: five prime untranslated region; C gene: core gene; E gene: envelop gene; gag gene: group-specific antigen gene; HA gene: hemagglutinin gene; HBeAg: hepatitis B e antigen; HBsAg: hepatitis B surface antigen; L1 gene: late expressed gene1; M gene: matrix gene; NA gene: neuraminidase gene; NC protein: nucleocapsid protein; NP gene: nucleoprotein gene; ORF1: open reading frame1; P24 antigen: P24 capsid protein antigen; pol gene: polymerase gene; PP1ab: ployprotein1ab; S gene: surface gene; Vall7 gene: hepatitis A virus Vall7 polyprotein gene; VP1 gene: viral protein1 gene.

c SPA, staphylococcal protein A.

d AFM: atomic force microscopy; DLS: dynamic light scattering; ICP-MS: inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry; LSPR: localized surface plasmon resonance; QCM: quartz crystal microbalance; SERS: surface enhanced Raman scattering.