Figure 4. Posterior DG/CA3 is sensitive to high and low similarity lures, whereas PHC is sensitive only to low similarity lures.
(a) Left pDG/CA3 showed greater engagement during 1Enc CRs than 1Enc FAs and 3Enc CRs across both high and low similarity levels. (b) Right pDG/CA3 showed only a significant difference between 1Enc CRs and FAs at high similarity levels, though the overall pattern is qualitatively similar to left pDG/CA3. Both left (c) and right (d) PHC showed significantly greater engagement during 3Enc CRs than FAs at low similarity levels. Moreover, engagement was greater for low similarity 3Enc CRs than high similarity 3Enc CRs. (1Enc = singly studied items; 3Enc = triply studied items; Hi = high similarity; Lo = low similarity; CR = correct rejection; FA = false alarm; pDG/CA3 = dentate gyrus/CA3 in the posterior hippocampus; PHC = parahippocampal cortex; RSC = retrosplenial cortex; * indicates p < 0.05 in a Holm-Šidák post-hoc test, corrected for multiple comparisons; error bars are mean +/- SEM.)