With the exception of fresh traumatic flakes, conservative therapy should be first-line treatment of symptomatic defects to the joint surface. |
Standard cartilage repair techniques are recommended to surgically treat symptomatic International Cartilage Repair Society grade 3 or 4 lesions. |
Standard cartilage repair techniques are microfracture, osteochondral cylinder transplantation, and autologous chondrocyte implantation. |
The technical application should be evaluated by cartilage defect diameter, subchondral bone deficiency, and defect localization. |
The joint surface defect size has to be considered with relation to overall knee joint dimensions; the treatment modality has to be adapted accordingly. |
Marrow stimulation procedures as well as osteochondral cylinder transplantation are not recommended for the patellar undersurface. |
Retainment of osteochondral flakes via refixation/reattachment should be the desired goal in fresh traumatic lesions. |
Osteochondritis dissecans defects are operatively treated by retrograde drilling, fragment reattachment plus subchondral bone repair, or standard cartilage repair techniques when preservation is impossible. |
Any concomitant or coexisting abnormality has to be treated simultaneously with the desired/executed joint surface repair. |