Figure 6.
(a) Group-averaged ASR amplitudes (± 1 SE) in response to BBN and tonal startle stimuli presented at 85 dB SPL (black traces) and 105 dB SPL (gray traces), pre- and postexposure. The average startle system noise floor is illustrated (avg. NF). The p values are for the main effect of exposure across startle stimulus (two-way ANOVA) and were not corrected for multiple comparisons at the two startle SPLs. (b) Group-averaged PPI results (± 1 SE) for prepulse levels of 50 dB SPL (black traces) and 70 dB SPL (gray traces). Again, p values compare PPI ratios before and after exposure across prepulse frequency.
ASR = acoustic startle reflex; BBN = broadband noise; SPL = sound pressure level; ANOVA = analysis of variance; PPI = prepulse inhibition.