Figure 1.
60 mm invasive ductal carcinoma in a 74 year-oldfemale. (a) Result of the breast segmentation algorithm superimposed to the first contrast-enhanced image subtracted to the precontrast one. (b) Normalized maximum intensity projection over time image of the breast region. (c) Tumour segmentation obtained by the computer-aided diagnosis scheme superimposed to the maximum intensity projection over time image. Once the segmentation has been obtained, the radiologist selected the tumour to exclude false positive findings (red box). (d) Three-dimensional render of the mask of the tumour multiplied for the subtracted first contrast-enhanced frame. The 2 most discriminative features of both grey-level co-occurrence matrices and grey-level run length method algorithm are reported for this tumour. Pathological response Grade = 3/5, estrogen receptorstatus = 99%, progesterone receptor status = 13% andKi67 = 11%, HER2 status= negative.