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. 2017 Nov 24;52(2):85–92. doi: 10.4132/jptm.2017.11.13

Table 1.

Summary of the clinicopathological characteristics

Characteristic No. (%) (n = 242)
 Male 181 (74.8)
 Female 61 (25.2)
Age at operation, median (range, yr) 59 (29-87)
Preoperative serum AFP level, median (range, ng/mL) 14.35 (1–40,000)
 Hepatitis B virus (HBV) 171 (70.7)
 Alcohol 35 (14.5)
 Hepatitis C virus (HCV) 17 (7.0)
 HBV + HCV 1 (0.4)
 Uncertain etiology 18 (7.4)
Tumor size, median (range, cm) 3.0 (0.9–17.0)
 ≤ 2 52 (21.5)
 > 2 and ≤ 5 145 (59.9)
 > 5 45 (18.6)
Gross type
 Vaguely nodular 9 (3.7)
 Expanding nodular 107 (44.2)
 Multinodular confluent 78 (32.2)
 Nodular with perinodular extension 32 (13.2)
 Infiltrative 16 (6.6)
Edmondson-Steiner grade
 Grade I 2 (0.8)
 Grade II 74 (30.6)
 Grade III 142 (58.7)
 Grade IV 24 (9.9)
Microvascular invasion
 Absent 154 (63.6)
 Present 88 (36.4)
Portal vein invasion
 Absent 225 (93.0)
 Present 17 (7.0)
Cirrhosis in background liver
 Absent 109 (45.0)
 Present 126 (52.1)
Intratumoral fibrous stroma (> 30%)
 Absent 187 (77.3)
 Present 55 (22.7)
Pathologic T category (AJCC 7th edition)
 pT1 140 (57.9)
 pT2 82 (33.9)
 pT3 17 (7.0)
 pT4 3 (1.2)
Pathologic N category (AJCC 7th edition)
 pN0 240 (99.2)
 pN1 2 (0.8)
Recurrence on follow-up
 Absent 138 (57.0)
 Present 104 (43.0)
Status at last follow-up
 Alive 160 (66.1)
 Deceased of disease 19 (7.9)
 Deceased of other cause 5 (2.1)
 Follow-up loss 58 (24.0)

AFP, α-fetoprotein; AJCC, American Joint Committee on Cancer.