Figure 2.
Artificial spin ice configurations and annealing. (a) The 16 different possible vertex configurations grouped by increasing energy from Type 1, 2, 3 and 4 with degeneracies 2, 4, 8 and 2, respectively. (b) (top) The direction of the applied field in order to prepare the initial T2 saturated state. (bottom) An example of an anneal process carried out where the target temperature was T = 513 K. The heating was done over a 120 s period, the sample was held at the target temperature for 180 s and the cooling duration was 3 minutes, where the initial cooling took place more rapidly, indicated by the dotted line. (c) An example raw atomic force microscopy (AFM) image showing the topography, the raw magnetic force microscopy (MFM) image showing the magnetic contrast and the resulting vertex map. (d) The detailed key showing the schematic of a vertex (only one degenerate state is shown for simplification) with the corresponding MFM contrast and the symbol then used in converting to the vertex maps.