Table 1.
Formula and grading of 12 noninvasive liver functional reserve models.
Noninvasive blood testing for liver serve makers | Formula | ||
ALBI, Grade 1/2/3 (<−2.6/−2.6–≤−1.39 />−1.39) | (log(Bilirubin[μmol/L]) × 0.66) + (Albumin[g/L] × −0.085) | ||
APRI, Grade 1/2/3 (<0.5/0.5–1.5/>1.5) | [(AST/upper limit of normal)/Platelet Count (109/l)] × 100 | ||
CTP, A/B/C, grade 1/2/3/ (5–6/7–9/10–15) | Encephalopathy: none = 1, grade 1 or 2 = 2, grade 3 or 4 = 3 Ascites: none = 1, mild to moderate = 2, severe = 3 Bilirubin(mg/dl): <2 = 1, 2–3 = 2, >3 = 3 Albumin(g/dl): >3.5 = 1, 2.8–3.5 = 2, <2.8 = 3 PT sec (INR): <4 (1.7) = 1, 4–6 (1.7–2.3) = 2, >6 (>2.3) = 3 | ||
CDS, Grade 1/2/3 (<4/4–7/>7) | Platelet count ( × 109/L): >340 = 0; 280–339 = 1; 220–279 = 2; 160–219 = 3; 100–159 = 4; 40–99 = 5; <40 = 6 | ALT/AST ratio: >1.7 = 0; 1.2–1.7 = 1; 0.6–1.19 = 2; <0.6 = 3 | INR: <1.1 = 0; 1.1–1.4 = 1; >1.4 = 2 CDS is the sum of the above (possible value 0–11) |
FIB-4 index, Grade 1/2/3 (<1.45/1.45–3.25/>3.25) | (Age[years] × AST[U/L])/(platelet [109] × ALT[U/L]1/2) | ||
GUCI, Grade 1/2/3 (<0.5/0.5–1.56/>1.56) | [AST/TOPNORMAL AST] × INR × 100/(Platelets × 109) | ||
Lok index, Grade 1/2/3 (<0.5/0.5–0.8/>0.8) | Lok Index = e(LogOddsLok)/(1 + e(LogOddsLok)) Log Odds Lok = (1.26 × AST/ALT) + (5.27 × INR) − (0.0089 × Platelets x109) − 5.56 | ||
MELD, Grade 1/2/3 (<8/8–12/>12) | 10 × ((0.957 × ln(Creatinine)) + (0.378 × ln(Bilirubin)) + (1.12 × ln(INR))) + 6.43 | ||
PABLI, Grade1/2/3 (≤−2.53, −2.53 and ≤−2.09, >−2.09) | (2.02 × log10 bilirubin) − [0.37 × (log10 bilirubin(umol/L))2] − 0.04 × albumin (g/L) − 3.48 × log10 platelets(109/L) + 1.01 × (log10 platelets(109/l))2 | ||
King’s score (<7.6/7.6–16.7/16.7) | Age × AST × INR/[platelets (109/l)] | ||
Serum sodium (≦135/>135 mmole/L) | |||
ICG-15 test (%) (10/10–20/>20) |