A central pattern generator, or CPG, that is capable of generating well-known series of movement gaits using a recurrent on-center ( + signs) off-surround ( – signs) network whose cells obey the membrane equations of neurophysiology (shunting interactions) when it is activated by a GO signal of variable size: (A) The network is defined by a four-channel oscillator. Inhibitory connections between the forelimbs and hindlimbs are represented by arrows originating at the source of the inhibition and numbered by the label of the cell that is the destination. A like-labeled arrow represents the destination of this inhibition. The network has self-inhibition labeled by the parameter D0, inhibition between forelimbs and between hindlimbs labeled by D1, inhibition between matched forelimbs and hindlimbs labeled by D2, and connections between crossed forelimbs and hindlimbs labeled by D3. (B) Computer simulation of how an increasing GO signal, along with GO-modulated modulation of the inhibitory coefficients, yields an ordered series of gaits (walk, trot, pace, and gallop) as an emergent property of network interactions. [Reprinted with permission from Pribe et al., 1997).]