The neurotrophic Spectrally Timed Adaptive Resonance Theory, or nSTART, model macrocircuit is a further development of the START model in which parallel and interconnected networks support both delay and trace conditioing. Connectivity from both the thalamus and the sensory cortex occurs to the amygdala and hippocampus. Sensory cortex interacts reciprocally with the prefrontal cortex, specifically orbitofrontal cortex. Multiple types of learning and neurotrophic mechanisms of memory consolidation cooperate in these circuits to learn and perform adaptively timed responses. Connections from the sensory cortex to the orbitofrontal cortex support category learning. Reciprocal connections from orbitofrontal cortex to sensory cortex support motivated attention. Connections from sensory cortex to amygdala support conditioned reinforcer learning. Connections from amygdala to orbitofrontal cortex support incentive motivation learning. Hippocampal adaptively timed pathways and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) bridge temporal delays between CS offset and US onset during trace conditioning acquisition. BDNF also supports long-term memory consolidation within sensory cortex to hippocampal pathways and from hippocampal to orbitofrontal pathways. The pontine nuclei serve as a final common pathway for reading-out conditioned responses. Habituative transmitter gates modulate excitatory conductances at all processing stages in order to prevent uncontrolled persistence of activity due to the positive feedback loops in these circuits. Cerebellar dynamics are not simulated in nSTART. Key: arrowhead = excitatory synapse; hemidisc = adaptive weight; square = habituative transmitter gate; square followed by a hemidisc = habituative transmitter gate followed by an adaptive weight. See text for further details. [Reprinted with permission from Franklin and Grossberg (2017).]