A1 |
Manual emergency hand crank functionality should be verified with manufacturer service engineer. It is desirable that each person responsible to operate the hand crank, in an emergency situation, practices its operation annually when a dummy wire replaces the source wire |
A2 |
Monitor leakage radiation to check afterloader's safe integrity. Intensity of leakage radiation must be lower than the value set by manufacturer and local regulations |
A3 |
Verify multichannel indexer functions properly. The wire must be sent to the proper programmed channel |
A4 |
Comparison of dwell time accuracy with an external standard performed more rigorously than the treatment day test |
A5 |
Verification of the linearity of the timer over a clinically relevant range. The action level represents deviations of measured values from those calculated using a linear fit to the measured data |
A6 |
Reproducibility of transit time effect or transit dose effect or source speed between dwell positions. Can be verified using autoradiographs, ion‐chamber measurements, or visual checks with in‐room cameras. A fixed and reproducible applicator geometry is required to assure the same wire drive speed |
A7 |
Reusable applicators and transfer guide tubes length should be measured to verify dosimetric lengths if used clinically as nominal values. This measurement could also verify that no debris has come into the lumen |
A8 |
Verify physical dimensions of reusable applicators and templates (e.g., diameters, angles, shields). They must match dimensions used in the planning process |
A9 |
Verify shielding integrity of shielded applicators. Visual and radiographic inspections should be performed |
A10 |
Check x‐ray markers positional accuracy if used clinically for source positioning. If markers are only used to draw the applicator path, then only the integrity should be checked |
A11 |
The configuration of this test will depend on the design of the facility and equipment, and local regulations. All staff should review the emergency procedures when a source fails to retract properly and remains outside the safe |
A12 |
To ensure redundancy and adequate monitoring, a second qualified medical physicist must independently verify the implementation, analysis, and interpretation of the quality control tests at least annually |
A13 |
For PDR only, verify pulse sequencing functionality according to manufacturer's recommendations |