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. 2018 Mar 20;5:180034. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2018.34

Table 4. Data and methodological differences between this study and the external studies under comparison.

Dataset This study Hallegatte et al. 2011 (ref. 2) Hallegatte et al. 2013 (ref. 7)
Urban area Urban cluster from 100 m CORINE land-cover data Post-code areaa Post-code areaa
Orography 30 m resolution EU-DEM (SRTM based) 90 m SRTM 90 m SRTM, except for proprietary 10 m DEM in the UK
Exposure Value per m2 derived from LUCAS land-use data Insured valuea Produced capital based on Landscan 2002 population and GDP per capita
Flooding Static inundation scheme for hydraulically connected cells Layers of elevation above MSL Layers of elevation above MSL
Damage Relative depth-damage functions for 5 land uses Vulnerability curves for asset classes residential, commercial, and industriala Relative depth-damage functions for 6 building and contents classes

aProprietary data owned by Risk Management Solutions (RMS).