Table 4. Data and methodological differences between this study and the external studies under comparison.
Dataset | This study | Hallegatte et al. 2011 (ref. 2) | Hallegatte et al. 2013 (ref. 7) |
Urban area | Urban cluster from 100 m CORINE land-cover data | Post-code areaa | Post-code areaa |
Orography | 30 m resolution EU-DEM (SRTM based) | 90 m SRTM | 90 m SRTM, except for proprietary 10 m DEM in the UK |
Exposure | Value per m2 derived from LUCAS land-use data | Insured valuea | Produced capital based on Landscan 2002 population and GDP per capita |
Flooding | Static inundation scheme for hydraulically connected cells | Layers of elevation above MSL | Layers of elevation above MSL |
Damage | Relative depth-damage functions for 5 land uses | Vulnerability curves for asset classes residential, commercial, and industriala | Relative depth-damage functions for 6 building and contents classes |
aProprietary data owned by Risk Management Solutions (RMS).