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. 2017 Jun 21;187(2):389–397. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwx251

Table 2.

Vaccination Coverage Estimated Using Alternative Influenza-Negative Control Groups, 2011–2017

First Author, Year (Reference No.) Setting Age Group Season Type of Control Group Difference (ORV+, PAN−), %a PAN−, %b ORV+/FLU−, %c
FLU-Negative ORV-Positive PAN-Negative
No. of Persons Vaccinated Total No. % Vaccinated No. of Persons Vaccinated Total No. % Vaccinated No. of Persons Vaccinated Total No. % Vaccinated
Blyth, 2014 (24) Outpatient 5–59 months 2008–2012d 128 1,200 10.7 85 794 10.7 43 406 10.6 0.1 26.8 66.2
Feng, 2017 (34) Outpatient All ages 2010–2011 957 2,784 34.4 422 1,176 35.9 528 1,591 33.2 2.7 37.8 42.2
Feng, 2017 (34) Outpatient All ages 2011–2012 721 1,692 42.6 343 701 48.9 375 984 38.1 10.8 45.5 41.4
Feng, 2017 (34) Outpatient All ages 2012–2013 907 2,430 37.3 379 958 39.6 526 1,461 36.0 3.6 34.2 39.4
Kelly, 2011 (27) Outpatient 5–59 months 2008 43 63 68.3 34 47 72.3 9 16 56.3 16.0 21.3 74.6
Levy, 2014 (28) Outpatient All ages 2010 71 302 23.5 27 89 30.3 44 213 20.7 9.6 47.5 29.5
Levy, 2014 (28) Outpatient All ages 2011 58 246 23.6 11 66 16.7 47 180 26.1 –9.4 51.3 26.8
Levy, 2014 (28) Outpatient All ages 2012 177 758 23.4 40 191 20.9 137 567 24.2 –3.3 41.7 25.2
Nunes, 2014 (29) Outpatient All ages 2012–2013 38 183 20.8 20 70 28.6 18 113 15.9 12.7 33.7 38.3
Pierse, 2016 (30) Outpatient All ages 2014 144 677 21.3 59 299 19.7 85 378 22.5 –2.8 32.8 44.2
Sullivan, 2014 (31) Outpatient All ages 2012 218 821 26.6 77 313 24.6 141 508 27.8 –3.2 35.9 38.1
Sundaram, 2013 (32) Outpatient, UCDs, and ACHs 6 months–5 years 2004/2005–2009/2010 1,014 1,759 57.6 782 1,411 55.4 232 348 66.7 –11.3 17.3 80.2
Sundaram, 2013 (32) Outpatient, UCDs, and ACHs ≥50 years 2004/2005–2009/2010 937 1,359 68.9 439 659 66.6 498 736 67.7 –1.1 42.3 47.2
Suzuki, 2014 (33) Outpatient >10 years 2011–2012 66 193 34.2e 12 26 46.2e 54 167 32.3e 13.9 54.0 13.5
van Doorn, 2017 (35) Outpatient All ages 2003–2014 579 2,754 21.0 142 676 21.0 437 2,078 21.0 0 51.3 24.5
Cowling, 2014 (25) Inpatient 6 months–17 years 2009–2013 428 4,737 9.0 107 1,185 9.0 321 3,552 9.0 0 65.8 25.0
Grijalva, 2015 (26) Inpatient All ages 2010–2012 766 2,605 29.4 368 1,196 30.8 398 1,409 28.2 2.6 50.9 45.9
Pierse, 2016 (30) Inpatient All ages 2014 267 735 36.3 57 248 23.0 210 487 43.1 –20.1 46.8 33.7

Abbreviations: ACHs, acute-care hospitals; FLU, influenza; ORV, other/another respiratory virus; PAN, panel; UCDs, urgent-care departments.

a Defined as vaccination coverage in the ORV-positive group minus vaccination coverage in the PAN-negative group.

b Percentage of participants who were PAN-negative among influenza-negative participants.

c Percentage of participants who were ORV-positive among influenza-negative participants.

d Data for 2009 were not included.

e There were 4 subjects in the ORV-positive control group and 18 subjects in the PAN-negative control group with missing data on vaccination status. Persons with missing vaccination status were not excluded; their vaccination status was categorized as “unknown,” and they were included in the analysis.