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. 2017 Mar 18;32(5):555–573. doi: 10.1093/arclin/acx020

Table 1.

Summary descriptions of the NIHTB battery

Test name Test description Scores
NIHTB motor battery
 9-Hole Pegboard Dexterity Test Assesses fine motor dexterity and the ability to coordinate the fingers and manipulate objects in a timely manner Scores reflect time to completion (in seconds) for each hand; higher scores indicate better functioning
 Grip Strength Dynamometry Assesses upper extremity strength Scores reflect the amount of force exerted in pounds of each hand; higher scores indicate better functioning
 2-Minute Walk Endurance Test Assesses endurance Scores reflect the amount of distance traveled (in feet and inches) during the 2-min time frame; higher scores indicate better functioning
 BAM Assesses postural sway and participants’ vestibule-spinal function Scores reflect average accelerometer readings of postural sway across all completed poses; higher scores indicate better functioning
NIHTB sensation battery
 Odor Identification Test Assesses the ability to identify various odors using scratch ‘n’ sniff cards. Participants are asked to identify which of four pictures on the screen matches the odor smelled Scores reflect the proportion of correct responses out of nine possible stimuli; higher scores indicate better functioning
 Dynamic Visual Acuity (DVA) Static Visual Acuity Assesses gaze stability and deficits of the vestibular ocular reflex; there is both a static and dynamic component Scores based on a logarithmic scale in LogMAR units that reflects overall functional distance vision; higher scores indicate better functioning
 Regional Taste Intensity—Water Assesses the taste perception for different everyday solutions (water and quinine) Higher scores reflect greater perceived taste intensity averaged across all solutions; higher scores indicate better functioning
 Pain intensity Assesses self-reported pain intensity Scores range from 1 to 10 with higher scores indicative of greater pain intensity
 Pain interference Assesses the degree to which pain interferes with other activities in life Higher scores indicated greater pain interference
NIHTB cognition battery
 Crystallized Cognition Assesses experience/learning-based abilities that are relatively insensitive to acquired brain dysfunction Composite scores comprised performance on Picture Vocabulary and Oral Reading Recognition; higher scores indicate better functioning
  Picture Vocabulary Assesses receptive vocabulary. Participant is instructed to select the picture that most closely identifies definition of a word Reflects the number of correct responses using item response theory; higher scores indicate better performance
  Oral Reading Recognition Test Assesses verbal knowledge. Participants are asked to read and pronounce letters and words as accurately as possible Scores reflect number of letters/words that were correctly pronounced (uses item response theory); higher scores indicate better performance
 Fluid Cognition Composite Assesses abilities that are purported to be more reflective of biologically based brain processes changing throughout the lifespan and are sensitive to potential acquired brain injury/disease Composite scores comprised performance on Picture Sequence Memory, Pattern Comparison Processing Speed, List Sorting Working Memory, Dimensional Change Card Sort, and Flanker Inhibitory Control and Attention; higher scores indicate better functioning
  Picture Sequence Memory Assesses episodic memory. Participants are asked to reproduce the sequence of pictures which have been demonstrated. Sequence length varies from 6 to 18 pictures depending on the participant age Scores reflect number of adjacent pairs that are correctly identified over two trials (uses item response theory); higher scores indicate better performance
  Pattern Comparison Processing Speed Assesses processing speed. Participants discern whether two side-by-side pictures are the same (yes/no) Scores reflect number of correct items (maximum 130) completed in 90 s; higher scores indicate better performance
  List Sorting Working Memory Assesses working memory. Participants must sequence stimuli that are presented visually and auditorily Scores reflect number correct for the one-and two-list versions (maximum 28); higher scores indicate better performance
  Flanker Inhibitory Control and Attention Assesses executive functioning (inhibitory control) and attention. Requires participant to focus on a given stimulus while inhibiting attention to the stimuli flanking it Scoring algorithm based on a combination of accuracy and reaction time; higher scores indicate better performance
  Dimensional Change Card Sort Assesses executive functioning (cognitive flexibility). Participants are asked to match a series of bivalent test pictures Scoring algorithm based on a combination of accuracy and reaction time; higher scores indicate better performance
NIHTB emotion battery
 Negative Affect Composite Assesses unpleasant feelings and emotions Composite scores are comprised from Anger-Affect, Anger-Hostility, Sadness, Fear-Affect, and Perceived Stress; higher scores indicate worse functioning
  Anger-Affect Assesses feelings of frustration and cynicism Higher scores indicate worse functioning (uses item response theory)
  Anger-Hostility Assesses feelings of hostility Higher scores indicate worse functioning (uses item response theory)
  Sadness Assesses feelings of depression Higher scores indicate worse functioning (uses item response theory)
  Fear-Affect Assesses feeling of anxiety that reflect perceptions of threat Higher scores indicate worse functioning (uses item response theory)
  Perceived Stress Assesses perceptions about the nature of events and their relationships to the values and coping resources of an individual Higher scores indicate worse functioning (uses item response theory)
 Social Satisfaction Composite Assesses feelings about social relationships and support Composite scores are comprised from Friendship, Loneliness, Emotional Support, Instrumental Support, and Perceived Rejection; higher scores indicate worse functioning
  Friendship Assesses perceptions about the availability of friends or companions with whom to interact or affiliate Higher scores indicate better functioning (uses item response theory)
  Loneliness Assess the extent to which an individual feels alone or socially isolated from other individuals Higher scores indicate worse functioning (uses item response theory)
  Emotional Support Assesses the perception that people in one's social network are available to listen to one's problems with empathy, caring, and understanding Higher scores indicate better functioning (uses item response theory)
  Instrumental Support Assesses to the perception that people in one's social network are available to provide information or advice needed to solve problems that arise Higher scores indicate better functioning (uses item response theory)
  Perceived Rejection Assess perceptions related to others not listening to an individual when they ask for help or being ignored Higher scores indicate worse functioning (uses item response theory)
 Psychological Well-Being Composite Assesses general feelings of emotional contentment Composite scores are comprised from General Life Satisfaction, Meaning and Purpose, and Positive Affect; higher scores indicate better functioning
  General Life Satisfaction Assesses feelings of satisfaction with ones owns life, including self-satisfaction and satisfaction with different aspects of life Higher scores indicate better functioning (uses item response theory)
  Meaning and Purpose Assesses the extent to which individuals feel that their lives matter and or make sense Higher scores indicate better functioning (uses item response theory)
   Positive Affect Assesses feelings of happiness, joy, excitement, enthusiasm, and contentment Higher scores indicate better functioning (uses item response theory)
 Additional Emotion measures
  Perceived Hostility Assesses perceptions of being criticized or yelled at Higher scores indicate worse functioning (uses item response theory)
  Anger-Physical Aggression Assesses aggressive behaviors Higher scores indicate worse functioning (uses item response theory)
  Fear-Somatic Arousal Assesses feeling of anxiety that reflect autonomic arousal Higher scores indicate worse functioning (uses item response theory)
  Self-Efficacy Assesses a person's feels of control over his/her life, as well as their confidence in being able to manage their own functioning Higher scores indicate better functioning (uses item response theory)

Notes: NIHTB = NIH toolbox; BAM = Balance Accelerometer Measure.