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. 2017 May 2;46(6):911–919. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afx058

Table 1.

Summary of included studies

Study Sample and setting Attitude assessment and score range Mean attitude score Qualitya
Beall et al. (1991) [8] 30 Doctors, USA Kogan's ATOP+ [48]: Range 34(neg)± to 204(pos)± 167.7 Low
Belgrave et al. (1982)  [9] 120 1 MSb, USA Palmore's Bias Score [50]: Range 0(pos) to 15(neg) 5.3 Medium
Cammer-Paris et al. (1997) [10] 330 1 MS, three cohorts: 1986 (n = 109), 1991 (n = 105), 1994 (n = 116), USA ASDc [47]: Range 32(pos) to 224(neg) 1986 = 129.5; 1991 = 134.7, 1994 = 126.5 High
Cheong et al. (2009) [11] 342 1 MS and 3 MS, Singapore Kogan's ATOP [48]: Range 34(neg) to 204(pos) 1 MS = 135.2; 3 MS = 138.2 Medium
Chua et al. (2008) [12] 244 1 MS, Singapore UCLA GASd [35]: Range 1(neg) to 5(pos) 3.6 Medium
Chumbler et al. (1996) [13] 481 2 MS and 3 MS, USA Locally developed scale: Satisfaction subscale range 2(neg) to 14(pos); effectiveness subscale range 4(pos) to 28(neg) Satisfaction = 3.9; effectiveness = 7.9 High
Chumbler and Ford (1998) [14] 533 1 MS-4 MS, USA Chumbler measure [13]: Satisfaction subscale range 2(neg) to 14(pos); effectiveness subscale range 4(pos) to 28(neg) 1 MS and 2 MS satisfaction = 6.0; 1 MS and 2 MS effectiveness = 5.9; 3 MS and 4 MS satisfaction = 5.6; 3 MS and 4 MS Effectiveness = 5.8 High
De Biasio et al. (2016) [15] 404 1 MS-4 MS, USA UCLA GAS [35]: Range 1(neg) to 5(pos) 1 MS = 3.8; 2 MS = 3.8, 3 MS = 3.7; 4 MS = 3.7 Low
Edwards and Aldous (1996) [16] 93 Doctors; 290 1 MS, 3 MS-5 MS, United Kingdom ASD [47]: Range 1(pos) to 7(neg) 1 MS = 129.9; 3 MS = 126.7; 4 MS = 125.8; 5 MS = 124.8; Faculty: = 124.8 Low
Fields et al. (1992) [17] 127 4 MS, USA ASD [47]: Range 32(pos) to 224(neg) ASD = 130.5 Medium
Fitzgerald et al. (2003) [18] 171 1 MS, USA UCLA GAS [35]: Range 1(neg) to 5(pos) Maxwell–Sullivan Scale [30]: Range 1(pos) to 5(neg) UCLA GAS = 3.7; MSAS = 2.0 Medium
Hellbusch et al. (1995) [19] 200 Doctors, USA Kogan's ATOP [48]: Range 34(pos) to 238(neg) 97.9 Medium
Hogan et al. (2014) [20] 173 Doctors, USA UCLA GAS [35]: Range 1(neg) to 5(pos) 3.79 Medium
Hollar et al. (2011) [21] 116 1 MS, USA UCLA GAS [35]: Range 14(neg) to 70(pos) 52.1 Medium
Holtzman et al. (1979) [22] 314 1 MS-4 MS, USA ASD [47]: Range 32(pos) to 224(neg) 123.7 Medium
Holtzman et al. (1981) [23] 118 1 MS and 3 MS, USA ASD [47]: Range 32(pos) to 224(neg) 1 MS = 119.1; 3 MS = 124.4 Low
Hughes et al. (2008) [24] 163 1 MS, UK UCLA GAS [35]: Range 1(neg) to 5(pos) 3.7 Medium
Kishimoto et al. (2005) [25] 156 1 MS-3 MS; 55 doctors, USA UCLA GAS [35]: Range 1(neg) to 5(pos) 1 MS = 3.9; 2 MS = 3.7; 3 MS = 3.6; PGY1e = 3.6; PGY2 = 3.8; PGY3 = 3.7; Geriatric fellows = 4.1 Medium
Lee et al. (2005) [26] 177 Doctors, USA UCLA GAS [35]: Range 1(neg) to 5(pos) PGY1 = 3.5; PGY2 = 3.7; PGY3 = 3.6; Medium
Leung et al. (2011) [27] 122 Doctors, Australia Fraboni's Ageism Scale [59]: Range 29(pos) to 145(neg) 61.5 Medium
Linn and Zeppa (1988) [28] 179 3 MS, USA Kogan's ATOP [48]: Range 1(neg) to 4(pos) 2.1 Medium
Lui and Wong (2009) [29] 54 Doctors, Singapore Kogan's ATOP [48]: Range 34(neg) to 170(pos) 114.4 Low
Maxwell and Sullivan (1980) [30] 150 Doctors, USA Maxwell–Sullivan Scale [30]: Range 1(pos) to 5(neg) 2.2 Low
Menz et al. (2003) [31] 81 3 MS and 4 MS, Australia ASD [47]: Range 32(pos) to 224(neg) Chumbler measure Effectiveness [13]: Range 4(pos) to 28(neg) ASD = 120.0; effectiveness scale = 18.6 Low
Muangpaisan et al. (2008) [32] 60 Doctors; 146 4 MS, Thailand UCLA GAS [35]: Range 16(pos) to 80(neg) 4 MS = 41.8; Doctors = 40.7 Low
Perrotta et al. (1981) [33] 127 1 MS, USA Kogan's ATOP [48]: Range 34(pos) to 170(neg) 81.0 Medium
Reuben et al. (1995) [34] 554 1 MS, USA ASD [47]; Maxwell–Sullivan Scale [30]: Range 32(pos) to 224(neg) 128.4 High
Reuben et al. (1998) [35] 142 doctors, USA UCLA GAS [35]: Range 1(neg) to 5(pos) PGY1 = 3.4; PGY2 = 3.6, PGY3 = 3.8; Fellows = 4.2; Faculty = 4.2 Low
Richter and Buck (1990) [36] 85 doctors, USA Maxwell–Sullivan Scale [30]: Range 28(neg) to 140(pos) PGY1 = 102.0; PGY2 = 105.3, PGY3 = 105.6; Faculty = 104.3 Low
Ruiz et al. (2015) [37] 103 1 MS-4 MS, USA Fraboni's Ageism Scale [59]: Range 29(pos) to 145(neg) 67 Low
Sainsbury et al. (1994) [38] 68 Doctors, New Zealand ASD [47]: Range 32(pos) to 224(neg) 115.8 Low
Shahidi and Devlen (1993) [39] 84 2 MS, UK ASD [47]: Range 32(pos) to 224(neg) 89.6 Low
Thorson and Powell (1991) [40] 277 1 MS, USA Kogan's ATOP [48]: Range 1(pos) to 7(neg) 102.6 Low
Voogt et al. (2008) [41] 231 1 MS, USA UCLA GAS [35]: Range 1(neg) to 6(pos) 4.5 Medium
Wilderom et al. (1990) [42] 663 1 MS, USA Kogan's ATOP [48]: Range 34(pos) to 170(neg) 81.9 Medium
Yang et al. (2013) [43] 270 Doctors, China ASD [47]: Range 1(pos) to 5(neg); Palmore's Bias Score [50]: Range −100(neg) to 100(pos) ASD = 2.6; FAQ1 Bias score = −17.3 High
Zverev (2015) [44] 154 1 MS-5 MS, Malawi Kogan's ATOP [48]: Range 34(neg) to 204(pos) 129.1 Medium

aMore detailed information about the main threats to quality are included in Supplementary Data (Appendix C).

b1 MS–5 MS denotes the year the students included in the study were in medical school from Year 1 Medical Student (i.e. 1 MS) to Year 5 Medical Student (i.e. 5 MS).

cASD: Aging semantic differential.

dGAS: Geriatrics attitude scale, ± neg denotes negative attitudes and pos denotes positive attitudes.

ePGY1–PGY3 denotes year in postgraduate medical training from Postgraduate Year 1 (PGY1) to Postgraduate Year 3 (PGY3), +ATOP: attitudes toward old people scale