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. 2018 Mar 20;13(3):e0194551. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194551

Table 1. Sample sites features.

Code Management m a.s.l. Municipality Soil Forest climax
REN1ti tilled 300 Rende Sand/clay Quercus virgiliana
REN2ti tilled 300 Rende Sand/clay Quercus virgiliana
REN3ti tilled 300 Rende Sand/clay Quercus virgiliana
REN4ti tilled 300 Rende Sand/clay Quercus virgiliana
REN5cc cover cropped 300 Rende Sand/clay Quercus virgiliana
REN6cc cover cropped 206 Rende Sand/clay Quercus virgiliana
REN7cc cover cropped 210 Rende Sand/clay Quercus virgiliana
TER1hc half-cropland 75 Terranova Clay Mediterranean evergreen
TER2hc half-cropland 73 Terranova Clay Mediterranean evergreen
TER3hc half-cropland 71 Terranova Clay Mediterranean evergreen
TER4hc half-cropland 60 Terranova Clay Mediterranean evergreen
TER5hc half-cropland 50 Terranova Clay Mediterranean evergreen
TER6hc half-cropland 45 Terranova Clay Mediterranean evergreen
TER7cc cover cropped 170 Terranova Sand/clay Mediterranean evergreen
MIR1cc cover cropped 5 Mirto Alluvial Lowland mixed
MIR2cc cover cropped 5 Mirto Alluvial Lowland mixed
MIR4cc cover cropped 5 Mirto Alluvial Lowland mixed

The code is composed by the first three letters of the municipality (i.e. direct intuitive geographically based classification), sequentially numbered, and followed by the management code. Management: tilled (ti) = periodically undergoing mechanical soil tillage; half-cropland (hc) = characterized by cover crop of spontaneous herbaceous vegetation only under tree rows, being the rest of the soil tilled; cover cropped (cc) = entirely covered with spontaneous herbaceous vegetation mowed in spring. Forest climax: the forest vegetation potentially growing in natural conditions (i.e. absence of agricultural landscape).