Sample Interview Questions
Sample leading questions |
Could, or should, a patient portal be used to electronically return positive screen results to patients? |
IF YES or MAYBE, could you explain your position? |
If NO, could you say more about that? |
If screening results are returned using a patient portal, then what other information do you think should also be provided along with the results? |
Follow up prompts |
Information about Lynch Syndrome? |
Information about local counseling resources? |
Information about local genetic testing resources? |
Information about implications for family members? |
A brief statement that genetic counseling is recommended (or not recommended) and why (i.e., what a positive screen means)? |
The contact details for scheduling genetic counseling? |
The contact details for a specific genetic counselor (e.g., a more personal approach than the previous choice in this case, the counselor would be assigned beforehand to this particular patient)? |