Figure 5.
Glomerular histologic and ultrastructural findings in advanced DKD. Patient 1. (A) A light microscopy image shows an hypertrophic glomerulus with segmentally nodular mesangial expansion, due primarily to increased matrix (Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules) and features of mesangiolysis. The surrounding tubular parenchyma reveals somewhat diffuse interstitial fibrosis associated with focal tubular atrophy (periodic acid-Schiff). (B) A Transmission electron image demonstrates podocyte microvillous transformation (asterisk). C, capillary lumen; GBM, glomerular basement membrane; US, urinary space. (C) Glomerular scanning electron micrographs, with the corresponding high magnification insets (D,E and F). (C and D) A large, mostly acellular glomerulus, exhibits “cauliflower-like” lobulations with loss of the typical cylindrical shape of glomerular capillaries. (E, asterisk) A lonely podocyte shows loss of most of its primary and secondary processes, severe degeneration of its cellular cytoarchitecture and microvillous transformation. (F, arrow) Higher magnification of the GBM surface reveals occasional cavities and tunnels.