Fig. 6.
Effects of antago-miR-24-3p-EVs and pre-miR-214-3p-EVs on TEC-derived vessels a, b Representative images of an in vivo angiogenesis assay of TECs treated with antago-miR-24-3p-EVs and pre-miR-214-3p-EVs either alone or in combination. Untreated TECs and TECs treated with EVs and anti-IL-3R-EVs were also reported. Data are reported in the histogram as number ± SD of vessels per sample (***p < 0.001, none and EVs vs others experimental conditions; **p < 0.01, anti-IL-3R-EVs vs pre-miR-214-3p-EVs and pre-miR-214-3p-EVs vs antago-miR-24-3p-EVs + pre-miR-214-3p-EVs, one-way ANOVA) (20× magnification). Scale bars indicate 50 μm