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. 2018 Mar 9;9:271. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00271

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Location of the 105 MTAs for end-use quality traits detected in the Pacific Northwest soft white winter wheat diversity panel. Genetic linkage maps of the chromosomes are based on the wheat consensus SNP map (Wang et al., 2014). Values on the left are genetic distance in centimorgan (cM). On the right, SNP ID and the associated end-used quality traits. See Table 1 for complete description of trait abbreviations. Trait groupings are color coded. Blue, grain characteristics; Green, flour parameters; Brown, milling traits; Red, baking parameters. SKHRD, kernel hardness; SKSIZE, kernel size; SKWTkernel weight; TWT, test weight; WPROT, grain protein; BKFYELD, break flour yield; FYELO, total flour yield; MSCOR, milling score; FASH, flour ash; FPROT, flour protein; FSOS, flour SDS sedimentation; FSRC, carbonate solvent retention capacity; FSRL, lactic acid solvent retention capacity; FSRS, sucrose solvent retention capacity; FSRW, water solvent retention capacity; FSV, flour swelling volume; MPW2, mixograph width 2 mins; CODI, cookie diameter.