Figure 2.
Overview of HERV groups' period of acquisition by primate lineages. For each HERV group (as listed on the x-axis), colored rhomboids indicate the average time of integration, while the global period of diffusion is delimited with a line (in millions of years, y-axis). Values were extracted from Vargiu et al. (2016) and derive from the nucleotide divergence calculated between the two LTRs of individual proviral members considering a genomic rate of 0.2% substitutions/nucleotide/millions of years. The estimated period in which the different primate species evolutionary diverged (as derived from Steiper and Young, 2006; Perelman et al., 2011) is indicated in the underlying tree at each node of separation, and is depicted in the graph by colored blocks corresponding to the first primate species infected by a certain HERV group (blue: prosimians, red: New World monkeys, green: Old World monkeys, yellow: gibbon, pink: orangutan, turquoise: gorilla, violet: chimpanzee, orange: humans). Primate parvorders (bold italic) and suborders (italic) are reported in the top of the graph, and a red line delimits the global time period of evolution of the whole order. Photo credits: human by Mostafameraji,; chimpanzee by Thomas Lersch,; gorilla by Adrian Pingstone,; orangutan by julubecka,; gibbon by Raul654,; rhesus by Ltshears,; rhesus (OWM) by Dr. Raju Kasambe,; marmoset (NWM) by Georges Néron,; prosimians by Sannse,