Figure 1.
Long-Stay Nursing Home Resident Selection Flowchart. a Residents who were 65 years old on October 1, 2012. b Long-stay residents are NH residents with quarterly and/or annual MDS assessments (June 1-September 30 2012) and still residing in study NHs on October 1, 2012. Residents who were discharged from the nursing home to the community, inpatient rehabilitation facility, hospice, other location, or as dead are excluded from the analytical sample. Residents were included if they were discharged to another nursing home, acute hospital, psychiatric hospital, or mental retardation/developmental disabilities facility. Abbreviations: NH, nursing home; HD, high-dose; MDS, minimum data set (nursing home resident assessment); SD, standard-dose. HD vaccine refers to Fluzone High-Dose vaccine. SD vaccine refers to standard-dose Fluzone vaccine.