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. 2017 Jan 20;73(3):380–385. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glw332

Table 1.

Demographic, Nutrition, and Health Characteristics of BLSA Sample (n = 1,053) by Anemia Status, n (%); Mean ± SD, or Median (25th %ile, 75th %ile)

Variable Not Anemic (n = 941) Non-Iron-Deficient Anemic (n = 112) p Value
Age (median [25th %ile, 75th %ile]) 70 (63, 78) 82 (75.5, 87) <.0001
Sex <.001
 Female 506 (53.8) 29 (25.9)
 Male 435 (46.2) 83 (74.1)
Race/ethnicity* (n = 1,048) <.001
 White 606 (64.7) 94 (83.9)
 Non-Hispanic Black 261 (27.9) 8 (7.1)
 Other 69 (7.4) 10 (8.9)
Education (n = 1,052) 17.0 ± 2.6 16.7 ± 2.6 .2495
Body mass index (kg/m2) (n = 1,050) 27.8 ± 5.0 26.3 ± 3.9 .0003
Smoking (n = 989) .113
 Nonsmoking 846 (95.8) 105 (99.1)
 Smoking 37 (4.2) 1 (0.9)
Number of alcoholic drinks/wk (n = 1,043) .160
 0 or <1 394 (42.3) 52 (46.9)
 1–7 371 (39.8) 47 (42.3)
 8+ 167 (17.9) 12 (10.8)
Number of chronic conditions (n = 1,017) <.001
 0 241 (26.4) 12 (11.4)
 1 342 (37.5) 24 (22.9)
 2+ 329 (36.1) 69 (65.7)
CES-D (n = 989) 4 (1, 7) 4.5 (2, 7) .2292
Restless legs syndrome (n = 844) .069
 Absent 659 (87.3) 71 (79.8)
 Present 96 (12.7) 18 (20.2)
WHIIRS score 5 (3, 9) 7 (5, 10) <.0001

Notes: CES-D = Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; WHIIRS = Women’s Health Initiative Insomnia Rating Scale. Percentages may not add up to 100 due to rounding. Total n = 1,053 unless otherwise indicated.

*Other category includes Hispanic, Asian, American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, and two or more races.

Education values are years of school completed.