In animals that survived 58 hours after the injection of rabies into the left ciliary body, all the labeled cells in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus (EWpg) are cholinergic motoneurons. Examples from rostral to the oculomotor nucleus (III) (A–C), the middle of III (D–F), and the caudal end of III, where the caudal central subdivision (CC) is present (G–I), are shown. Immunohistochemistry for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) caused preganglionic motoneurons and somatic motoneurons in III to fluoresce red (A, D, G). In contrast, the rabies-positive cells fluoresced green (B, E, H). Examples of the rabies-positive cells that were also ChAT-positive are indicated by blue arrowheads in the combined images (C, F, I). The most heavily labeled of these appear yellow. The scale bar for all plates is found in (I).