Fig. 2. Physiology of Purkinje cells in Gad2Cre/Ai27(32) mice.
A. Typical spiking of a Purkinje cell, spontaneously and in response to an inward current step. B. Responses of the same cell shown in A to parallel fiber (PF, top) and climbing fiber (CF, bottom) activation. Note the respective paired-pulse facilitation and depression of the PF and CF responses. C. Evoked burst spiking at ∼25 Hz elicited by a 500 ms laser pulse, followed by spontaneous spiking. D. Shorter (40 ms) laser pulses evoke spiking at 25 Hz. E. Dual recordings of a pair of PCs under current-clamp conditions. A single brief (1 ms) laser pulse reliably elicits a large depolarization and spikes in both cells. Note the complex spike-like responses in cell A. F. Dual recordings of a pair of PCs in voltage-clamp mode, showing that laser pulses at variable durations evoke robust inward currents consisting of phasic and plateau components in both cells. G. Plateau current responses of different cell types to longer laser pulses (≥50 ms). RMP, resting membrane potential; PC, Purkinje cells; DCN, (small- and medium-sized) deep cerebellar nuclear cells. **, P<0.01. Note that here and in the following figures, single or average traces are shown unless otherwise specified.