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. 2018 Mar 6;7:e31730. doi: 10.7554/eLife.31730

Table 1. Logistic fits for a forager’s probability to exit (P) as a function of her crop load and the colony state.

A two-dimensional logistic function of the form P=(1+e-(α+βcrop+γcolony))-1 was fit to each estimated probability to exit from Figure 6a–c. The effect of each factor is reflected in its fitted coefficient. Within each model, effects can be compared to one another because the values of crop and colony lay on the same scale between 0 and 1. In the constant decision rate model, all coefficients were comparable in value, indicating that crop and colony had similar meaningful effects on the probability to exit. In the model where decision rate was matched to interaction rate, the effect of colony was weaker than the effect of crop, but both were still meaningful. In the model where decision rate was matched to unloading rate, the effect of colony approached 0 and was very weak compared to the effect of crop.

Decision rate model Factor Coefficient 95% CI R2
Constant Intercept α=-1.914 -1.921 -1.906 0.81
Colony State β=-1.763 -1.778 -1.747
Forager’s Crop γ=-2.330 -2.347 -2.312
Interaction Rate Intercept α=2.701 2.686 2.716 0.92
Colony State β=-2.199 -2.218 -2.181
Forager’s Crop γ=-5.810 -5.837 -5.783
Unloading Rate Intercept α=-0.093 -0.105 -0.081 0.71
Colony State β=0.499 0.482 0.515
Forager’s Crop γ=-3.092 -3.115 -3.069