Dual conditioning with ACT reduces disease burden in neoplastic islets. a Inflammation scores in the periductal and acinar regions (pancreatitis) and islets (isletitis) from H&E-stained sections of whole pancreata harvested 7 days after the indicated treatments. N = 4–6/group. b Representative H&E-stained section showing inflammation within a pancreatic carcinoma and adjacent pancreatic acinar compartment. c–h Representative H&E (c–e) and Masson’s trichrome-stained (f–h) tumors harvested from untreated (c, f) or RT4 mice that received anti-CD40 + TCR-I cells (d, g) or dual conditioning + TCR-I cells (e, h). i Highest disease stage observed 70 days after treatment, N = 6–9/group. j Percentage hyperplastic islets in whole pancreas sections from mice shown in i that survived to day 70 post treatment. Each point represents an individual mouse. N = 5–12/group; WBI + αCD40 + TCR-I vs. all other treatment groups, *p < 0.05 by one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s post-test